Ch132 - Rumors

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I was on high alert as I turned around the corner. From what I could gather I thought one or two people followed me into the new alley.

All kinds of thoughts crossed my mind as I kept walking in my steady pace. Would it really be the girl who's following me? How could she possibly have found me? I managed to push all my panicky thoughts aside and turned on my cold working mode.

After a few more turns we were only meters away from the last turn that would lead to the forest. I knew that one person was still following me; I could hear it. The footsteps were silent but still audible on the concrete pavement.

I smoothly turned around the corner and pressed my back against the wall. My heart never even skipped a beat or sped up, that's how far into my working mode I was. Within seconds my shadow turned around the corner.

It was definitely a girl quickly judged by her frame. She was wearing a vest with the hood pulled over her head. It might've been enough to fool a normal unsuspecting target but the hood wasn't nearly big enough to cover her entire face. The familiar brown eyes of the girl were wide as she discovered that she'd been caught.

It didn't take me long to react. I'd identified my shadow and knew that this wouldn't go down without a fight. I might even have to kill her now that she's found out about my identity.

I pounced on her causing her to fall backwards and me to fall with her. Even though she'd held her hands in front of her face as a natural instinct for her to defend herself, I managed to get a few punches in before she threw me off.

"So it is you." she said as she quickly rolled to her knees and spat some blood. "I didn't know if I could believe the rumors."

"What rumo-" before I could even ask a full question, she'd already kicked my leg with a speed I wouldn't have been able to dodge. Some unnerving sounds came from my leg and a pain erupted in milliseconds.

I shifted and lashed out at her back, successfully ripping her coat and back in the process. She screamed out in pain and rolled away from me.

The pain in my leg wouldn't stop but I had other worries than to check if it was broken. The girl quickly stumbled to her feet and glared at me with a tense jaw.

She quickly stepped in between my legs and tried to tackle me but with a bit of luck I managed to step aside just in time.

Since she hadn't expected me to step aside which caused her to be distracted for just a second. With all the power I could muster, I punched her right on her left lower ribs.

She gasped for air and stumbled back with tears welling up in her eyes. But I was too far into my working mode. Not one bit of pity, empathy or regret passed my system as I got ready to use her injury as my advantage.

Before she could recover, I shot forward to my, already stumbling and backing off, target. One of her hands was holding her rib cage as she held the other one hovered in front of her to try to convince me to stop.

But I didn't care. With my left arm I countered her outstretched hand while I punched her face as hard as I possibly could with the other.

An electric pain shot up my arm as her eyes rolled back in their sockets and dropped like a rag doll to the ground.

"Fuuuck." I cursed silently as I held my hand. Something had definitely shifted in there.

Without thinking twice I ignored the pain and pulled out my phone.

"Derek?" I asked as soon as he'd answered after just one ring.

"Jesus Liz don't send texts like that. Are you okay? Where are you? What-"

"Derek I'm fine. I'm alive. Is Peter there as well?"

"What? Uh... Yeah he is."

"Good. I need you guys to be at your old house in 5 to 10 minutes."

"What? Why? What happened?"

"Nothing happened- okay yeah stuff happened. I've caught the girl. Anyway see you soon-"



I quickly hung up before he could protest and stared at the girl.

I really hope you're not heavy.

Blue eyes [Teen wolf/Derek Hale]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ