Ch130 - Just a question

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Hi! I'm from now also on kik! Username: InvisibleRogue

The mildly cold water poured from my shoulders onto my back. I gritted my teeth and put tension on my jaw as I felt the water stream into the cuts Peter had given me.

It might not have been smart to challenge an alpha like that but I had to confront him about it.

I wasn't going to let someone who knew about something like that live.

I would've killed Peter if he'd said that he knew that she worked for him.

And neither will the girl get away with it.

I punched the wall in front of me and stared down. Peter's claws had a nasty effect, him being an alpha and all. The wounds on my stomach weren't as bad as on my back but it hadn't completely healed yet either. Three red irritated streaks went from one side of my stomach to the other. The bottom and top one slightly more faded than the middle but all completely visible against my light skin.

I would've retreated no matter what he'd answered. But Peter wouldn't have lived an other day if he'd admitted that he knew the person who stabbed, poisoned and shot me.

She'd been really fast with fighting and she'd proven that she knew stuff about killing but I can tell you one thing, she sucked at firing a gun.

Then again, she did manage to hit me with it.

I turned the water off after the wound on my back began to sting again from the water running into it. I quickly dried myself off and slipped into some comfy clothes I could sleep in.

"Hi..." Derek said softly as I walked into his, well basically our, bedroom. "Are you okay?"

"What do you mean?" I asked confused as I walked up to him and stood in between his legs.

Derek looked up to me and stared for a few seconds before answering. "I mean you disappearing, fighting with Peter, your wounds... How are your wounds?" he said.

I slowly turned around and lifted my shirt. I actually wanted a second opinion since I wasn't really adept with alpha wounds and their healing process.

"Oh shit..." Derek mumbled quietly as he grazed his fingertips across my back causing me to get goosebumps.

"It's not that bad, right?" I joked to lighten the mood. Derek however wasn't amused and dropped his arm on his leg. "Hey I wasn't going to die if that's what you were worried about."

"Just because you held back when you had the chance to kill him doesn't mean Peter would do the same." Derek argued and slowly dropped my shirt back in place.

I turned back around to face him. "If I'd fought like that, I'd be dead a long time ago. But I don't fight like that and if I wanted Peter dead, he'd be dead right now."

"That's bold talk for just a beta."

"I could do it even if I were an omega."

"Liz..." Derek sighed "Can you please stop getting hurt?"

" Hmm..." I said while pretending to think about it "Nope, don't think I can."

Derek grinned at me and in one unexpected move grabbed my hips and pulled me down. My back hit the sheets of the bed and I instantly pulled my legs up in a reflex. Derek was faster though and stood in between my legs and stared down at me.

"You should be pinned down if I want you to be safe." he mumbled as he stared into my eyes waiting for a reaction.

A grin slowly crept on my face and tugged at the end of the corners of my mouth. Without thinking about it I bit my lip to try to keep my face straight. Derek groaned slightly and for just a second stopped paying attention.

I quickly wriggled myself free and turned us around, sitting on top of his stomach and grinning down at him. For just a second he seemed surprised but that expression quickly disappeared and turned into a grin.

He placed his hands just above my hip and stopped grinning. His entire expression dropped and he frowned at me.

"What's wrong?" I asked confused as he lightly pushed his fingers against the skin just above my left hip.

"You... Have you been shot?" he asked accusingly and worried at the same time.

I quickly looked down at my hip and pulled the fabric of my pants a little lower. When I didn't see anything Derek guided my hand to the back of my hip. A small lump poked out just above the hipbone.

"Dammit" I cursed under my breath "I thought it went straight through."

"What?" Derek said getting angrier by the second and sat up straight causing me to slide down to his legs.

"When I talked to Gerrit, the girl showed up. And lets just say that things went downhill from there. She sucks at shooting since she was trying to kill me but she still managed to hit me."

Derek stared at me with a blank expression so I continued. "It's not a special bullet if that's what you're thinking. Just a normal one."

"Liz..." Derek said with a frustrated sigh. "I'm serious. Stop getting hurt."

"Well how was I supposed to know that she was there and that she was gonna try to kill me?"

"Did you do anything to discourage it?"

"Well... no but-"

"Did you howl for backup?"

"...No but-"

"Did you ask someone to come with you to Gerrit?"

"Fine I get it!" I said before he could cut me off again. "Next time I'll be more careful. I promise." I said with my head down and eyes up to Derek's eyes.

"Good because I'll kill you if you die." Derek whispered back.

I laughed "I'd like to see you try. Now just a quick question... how do we get the bullet out?"

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