Ch93 - Games are useful

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Dedicated to shine92711 for being awesome and making me smile with her comments!

More days passed before we heard of any news. But it wasn't what I'd been expecting. In stead of hearing something from Liz or any news from the police, Stiles told me that Mr Stilinski managed to send the request. 

It had been over a week since she'd left. We needed to do something and fast. It wasn't just about Liz anymore. Well, that was still my drive but the time began to urge even more. In a few days there would be a new full moon and we all knew that Liz couldn't control the shift yet.

I hadn't seen much of Peter. He'd been outside 'running erands' whatever that might be. He's up to something but seeing as it is Peter, that's not something new.

I'd also tried to make myself useful in this time. Even though I hate to admit it, Peter was right. If we manage to catch the killer, we could get Liz back faster. The only problem was that we might've underestimated this murderer. After hours of tracking I always ended up with a dead end.

I was back at staring at the map of beacon hills. I'd marked the places where the victims were found but it didn't seem to have a pattern. I groaned and leaned against the table. This guy couldn't just pick them this randomly, right? It's like I haven't made any progress in the last few days. Suddenly my phone rang. 


"Did you find anything?"

"Derek, Liz found a way to talk to us!" Stiles answered excitedly, completely ignoring my question.

"What? How?"

"Liz and I met through an online game. I just thought that if I were in her situation, I would try to talk through that."

"An online game?"

"Yeah, you can send messages through that and it saves them for when the other comes online. This one was send at 5 AM. Which I first thought was pretty early but then I realized that it would've been 5 AM for me. For her it is hours later, of course-"

"Stiles, what did the message say?" I cut him off knowing that he could probably talk on for hours.

"She said that there had been some sort of nurse who had done a body exam on her. She had to explain her scars and the lady wrote everything down. The nurse had also said that she could come to her if anything else happened. But the thing with her message is that it ends kind of abrupt."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, Liz always thinks things through before she writes it down but the last few sentences are written quick and a bit messy... As if she was in a hurry."

I thought about it. There were many things that could've let her do that. She could've been writing the message at home and her dad came upstairs. She could've been writing outside and her battery almost died. Even though it wasn't likely, I really hoped for the last one.

"So they are watching her? The police over there?"

"Yeah it looks like it. If she'd told the police about her scars, she should be golden, right? I mean that would be solid proof, right?"

"I hope so."


Should I be doing something else? I wondered that when nothing interesting had happened on the destination I thought the killer might show up, again. Maybe I should just fly to Holland and kick her dad's ass. I should, shouldn't I? But what purpose does it serve if it just gets me thrown in jail? They might even throw Liz in jail as well and say that she was my accomplice.

I sighed as I stepped in my apartment. Both Emberly and Oliver where sitting on the couch, talking to each other. They stopped as soon as they saw me.

"Hey, we were looking for you." Emberly began as she stood up. "Because we know that you're like all sad and stuff that Liz is gone. But we think that you shouldn't forget us."

Oliver glared at her "That's not how we agreed to say it." he hissed at her.

Emberly shrugged it off and looked at me. "So when are we gonna train?"

"You're perfectly able to train by yourself." I said annoyed and tried to walk past them.

"But the full moon is the day after tomorrow! That's so soon!" Emberly insisted while she placed her hand on my arm to stop me.

I looked at her hand and without moving my head, looked up at her face. She got the message and quickly removed her hand.

"Please, Derek. I don't know how to train." Oliver said on a begging tone.

I sighed. It's not like I was gonna do anything useful since we can't find the killer. Maybe doing this will help. "Fine."

Oliver smiled a truly grateful smile and they both followed me to train.

Blue eyes [Teen wolf/Derek Hale]Where stories live. Discover now