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I have 19 books published, 17 in the Incidental Fate/Romanoverse world.

I have 19 books published, 17 in the Incidental Fate/Romanoverse world

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Please note: This book is the Wattpad edition. The published book differs in dialogue, scenes, etc. This book can be purchased as ebook or paperback on Amazon. Avail on Apple Books & Google Play Store.

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Chapter 1

I had no idea what I was doing—story of my life. What I did know was that I was wasting this day bent over in the dirt attempting to garden when I could have spent it at the beach, one of the reasons I had moved here to San Diego. Focus. Time to get back to work, once again—story of my life. I wiped the sweat from my brow, staring down at the pile of mud and haphazardly planted daisies in front of me.


Aha, my other reason for moving here. I popped up on my knees, twisting back towards the street, meeting the eyes that looked just like mine, Grant. But in that same instant, I noticed the figure behind him, towering and broad with a wave of dark hair and even darker eyes.

"I tried to call first."

Grant stepped into my line of sight, blocking my view, forcing my focus back on him.

"I don't have my phone!" I sprung up, shaking my legs to get the debris off while showing him my dirt-caked hands, promptly wiping them off on my shorts.

"Jeez," he grumbled, with a ridiculously exaggerated sigh. "Put some clothes on, will you." He glared at my sports bra and shorts, immediately twisting his face back to the man, no, men behind him, mouthing an apology.

"Nice to see you too," I mocked his own grumble while following his gaze to the two guys lingering in the back. Oh god—was he in trouble? Cops? "Who are the guys behind you?" I locked eyes with the taller one, his sharp stare so intense, intimidating.

"They're seniors," he emphasized, giving me a look. "At the university. We're working on a tech project together."

I whipped my stare away. Seniors? University? Them? No! "Nice to meet you." I averted my eyes yet still felt the taller one's heavy stare. "I'm Grant's mom, Sadie Jones," I greeted automatically, busying myself with my fingers and the dirt under my nails, desperately needing a distraction. "What brings you guys by?" And... my eyes betrayed me, traveling right back to those smoldering dark ones. How was he only in college? He was well over six feet tall, built, piercing stare, lips like—oh my god! What was wrong with me?

"I'm looking for one of my old projects, so I need to dig through the moving boxes. I know I saved it somewhere."

Huh? Who? Grant—Grant! I forced my eyes away, focusing on Grant. "Everything's still in the garage." Once again, the reply was automatic, as was my hand waving up towards the front door. Okay then. I dropped back to my knees, bending over for the shovel, digging right back into the dirt.

They started in, and for some reason, I was holding my breath, stilling as they shuffled by me, yet peeking from the corner of my eyes, watching the taller one. Oh, my, god, Sadie! Senior! University! Damn!

I sat up, too preoccupied now, and honestly, I was over it. This yard had waited six months for me to touch it—it could wait a few more days for me to finish it. I slid up onto the front step, plucking up my crumpled top from the patio and running it over my sweaty face, my neck, my chest, suddenly feeling someone's stare on me.

I looked towards the garage, expecting to see Grant, instead, I was met by a devilish grin and those dark eyes. I smiled back automatically, only to realize how dumb I must look because he obviously wasn't looking at me, right? I glanced over my shoulder, but there was nothing behind me. He was absolutely staring at me, and I was absolutely staring back at him.

I waved, giving him a tiny flick of my wrist just as a ball flew out from the garage, smacking him on the side of the head. "Oh my—" A laugh burst from my mouth, which I stifled just as quick.

The poor guy caught the ball, chucking it right back before ducking behind the closing garage. Grant must have found what he'd been looking for. I pushed myself up to standing, shaking the remaining dirt off before heading through the front door, bumping right into Grant and the guys heading out.

"You find it?" I threw my arm over Grant's shoulders, giving him an obnoxious side hug.

"Yeah," he mumbled, weaving out from under my grip. "I'll see you Saturday."

"I could use some help tomorrow finishing the front yard," I hinted with a nudge of my shoulder. "There are only a few days of sun left in the forecast!" I gave him my biggest pleading smile, but once again, he rolled his eyes.

"Exactly what I want to do. Spend the only days of sun helping you garden."

Somebody had gotten a little too cool since starting college. He was barely a freshman, barely eighteen, and suddenly he had no time for his mom anymore. Well, it was time to take the coolness down a notch.

"Think about it! And remember, I, love, you!" I cooed, blowing him a kiss, knowing how embarrassed it made him.

Another eye roll. "Ugh, love you too, Mom." He stalked out the front door with one of the guys following behind.

I waited for the other to follow, only he didn't. Instead, his feet were planted, his body facing mine, and his eyes focused on me, again.

He cracked a smile, lips perfectly framed by that five o-clock shadow, his eyes drifting over my body. "You've got some dirt on your face." His fingers stretched to my cheek, sending my feet stumbling back on instinct.

"I've-I've got dirt everywhere," I sputtered out a laugh, awkwardly.

His smile turned wicked, his eyes suddenly two shades darker than they were seconds ago. "I'm a fan of getting dirty," his deep rasp hit deep between my thighs.

"Ex-excuse me!" Oh, he was trouble. Those eyes and that grin were enough to bring any woman to her knees. Myself included. "They're waiting for you." I gestured to the car outside, making it clear he needed to go.

He stared at me a second longer, slowly looking over at the front door, then back at me. "Goodbye..."

"Sadie," I answered automatically. Oh my god! Why did that come out of my mouth? What was I doing?

He started for the door, only to slow, flashing me that wicked grin. "Sadie."

Oh, shit. One word, my name, and my skin was on fire. I was burning up, overheating in all the wrong places.

He continued out while I tried to pull myself away from the door, except I couldn't. I hadn't noticed the way his protruding muscles stretched his shirt, or how broad his back was, or how perfect his jeans clung to his—oh, my, god! What was I doing? Look away!

He stopped once he reached the car door, turning back around, his eyes meeting mine for a split second before he slid his sunglasses on. Shit, I was still staring. You, are, still, staring, Sadie! I stumbled back inside, slamming the door behind me, and lunging for my water bottle on the table. Forget the cold drink—I needed a cold shower.

Incidental Fate Book 1Where stories live. Discover now