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Gavin placed his hand on my thigh, while I let his words sink in. I was his fire.

"Cheers to that!" May beamed, raising her glass. "You're my kind of guy Gavin!"

"Well Sadie knows all about love at first sight," Sarah giggled.

"What are you talking about?" I barely knew Sarah and I never talked about my private life at work.

"Kirk!" She laughed as Debbie and May roared with laughter beside her.

"Oh that poor man has it bad! He's been chasing her since she stepped onto our floor!"

I could feel Gavin fidgeting under me. To them he was a random Vegas guy whom I met hours ago and would never see again. What did they care what he thought.

"And the day Sadie agreed to go out with him," Julia laughed. "I swear I heard him humming the wedding march."

"Oh god, enough about Kirk!" I looked at them all, silently insisting they stop.

"I don't blame him," one of the guys grinned and Gavin immediately went rigid under me. "Lucky you found her first." The guy chuckled to Gavin as if I would have gone to the first taker. Men.

"May, why don't you and the guys bring us another round," I insisted, gesturing for her to get them out of here. They were supposed to be flirting with May not making remarks about me.

"I'll help too!" Sarah hopped up, eyeing the shorter guy in the group.

"What about that one?" I winked to Julia. "Now's your chance!"

She downed the cocktail in her hand and jumped up, heading for the bar to join them.

I turned to face Gavin, sliding my hands to his chest and pressing my lips to his, but he didn't react. "Ignore them." I pleaded, kissing him once more. "It's not worth it."

His eyes met mine, then he finally kissed me back, pulling his hands off my thighs to cup my face.

"Hey, now!" May shouted between us, dangling two shot glasses in front of us and we grabbed them from her.

I twisted my arm around Gavin's, placing my shot at his mouth and he pushed the one in his hand to mine. "Cheers."

The burn down my throat just made me want him more. If only I could straddle him right here on this chair. I could easily slide my dress up and unzip his jeans.....

"Let's head out!" May called to the group. "I'm ready to win some more money!"

I stood up and he followed, discreetly adjusting his pants. Guess I wasn't the only one having dirty thoughts. But watching him adjust himself just made my thoughts that much dirtier.

We followed everyone out, walking through the casino floor towards the blackjack tables. And the vodka was finally kicking in, so was the fact that I'd been walking in stilettos for half the night and could barely feel my feet.

"I don't think I can walk anymore," I whined playfully to May. "My feet are killing me!" I leaned onto her for support as Gavin followed behind us.

"Just take them off!" Sarah sighed. "I'm sure these floors are clean." She immediately started cracking up at her own suggestion.

"How about a few rounds of blackjack then we'll call it a night!" May begged the group, including the guys who were now hovering around Julia and Sarah.

"I guess," I shrugged.

May found an empty table and I took the seat at the end with May sitting right next to me. Gavin rounded the table to take the seat at the opposite end of me with the outspoken guy sitting next to him. Sarah, Julia, and the blonde guy took the remaining seats as Debbie watched from behind us.

Gavin's eyes met mine from across the table and I couldn't help smiling as I took in his rugged and handsome face. My eyes travelled down to his chest and biceps as I pictured the muscles his shirt was hiding. That familiar tingling started up again and I squeezed my thighs together as I forced myself to look away.

Everyone placed their cash bets on the table as the dealer counted us in. He doled out the first round of cards, starting on Gavin's side.

He finally landed on me, flipping an ace. He flipped himself a 9 then started another round.

He flipped my second card, a 10. "21," the dealer called out.

"Oh shit!" The guy next to Gavin called. "You got the Midas touch baby."

Same cheesy line as the idiot earlier. My eyes darted to Gavin and I could see his hands balling into fists on the table. Shit. Who the fuck did that guy think he was. The guy meant nothing by it but Gavin tended to overreact.

"Looks like you've got another option for tonight," May giggled drunkenly, loud enough for Gavin to hear. Gavin's eyes shot from her to me, then down to his cards as his eyebrows furrowed angrily.

The dealer then flipped himself a 10 as well.

"Hit." Gavin called, tapping the table in front of his 15. The dealer flipped him a 5 and Gavin's pissed off look turned into a smirk.

"That's some good luck," Julia squealed.

"It's not luck, I just know what the fuck I'm doing," he said a little too harshly.

"Oh." Sarah looked to Julia with big eyes.

The rest of the table folded as the dealer paid us out. I stuffed my winnings in my purse and stood from the table.

"One more game," May faux cried from her chair.

I wouldn't mind another game, but I didn't need any more remarks from or about that guy. "I'm tired," I shrugged over to her.

"Well..." the guy grinned at me, standing from his seat causing Gavin to pop up next to him and bump him slightly as he walked right over to me.

Gavin reached his arms down and under me, throwing me up into his arms in a cradle hold as I frantically grabbed at the bottom of my dress trying not to flash the table. "Put me down Gavin!"

"We're going to bed," he called over to the table. "Sadie will call you in the morning!"

"What?!" May shouted. "I'm not sleeping alone!"

"Neither am I," he shouted back at her with a wink.

"I'll take her bed!" I heard Julia exclaim. "I was going to be on the couch anyways."

"Sadie?" May screeched, searching my face for consent.

"I'll text you," I called back, giving them a wave goodbye as Gavin continued away.

"You can put me down now!" I playfully swatted him as soon as we were away from the tables.

"Either my fists are wrapped up in you or my fists are wrapped up in that guy's face!" He huffed. "Didn't you fucking hear him call you 'baby'? He's lucky I didn't pummel him right there!"

"Well he's out of sight so the show's over."

"This isn't for show, I'll put you down when I'm ready to put you down."

Incidental Fate Book 1Where stories live. Discover now