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I had a love hate relationship with these type of events. I always felt inferior to the other older parents because they always seemed so mature and refined while my life always felt like a mess, like I was still a teenager.

So naturally I had to go over the top, look my best, and try to act professional. I grabbed out the new purple dress that I bought specifically for today, sliding it out of the garment bag and snipping the tags off. Then I shimmied it on, sucking it in as I forced the zipper up, realizing it was a little tighter and a little more revealing than I remembered.

I added some makeup before heading over to the mirror for a final appraisal. Oh, jeez. It was revealing... but I looked good, no I looked really good. It was so weird seeing myself out of scrubs or workout clothes. I had forgotten how nicely I cleaned up. My self esteem was rising and I pushed my inferior feelings aside as I ran out of the house.

I was at the school in ten minutes, practically strutting onto the campus to find Grant. We were meeting outside the library before Parents' Day officially started and as promised he was waiting right outside. "Grant!"

He gave me a small wave and I hurried over, throwing my arms around him. "Okay mom, take it easy," he laughed, pulling out of my grip. I forgot hugging your mom wasn't cool anymore. "I'll walk you to Bergman Hall, that's where all the parents are supposed to meet."

"Sure sweetie!" I linked my arm in his as we headed away.

"Why are you so dressed up?"

"What do you mean? It's a formal event."

"Yeah, but aren't you dressed a little too... a little too... like sexy for a parents thing," he cringed and I laughed under my breath.

"No. Look at all the parents around here." I gestured towards the adults that filled the walkways and squares as we passed. The men all wearing suits and the women in dresses just like mine.

"But you're not like a normal mom, normal moms don't look like... this."

I watched the other women around us, what was he talking about? Sure I might be a little younger, curvier, or bustier, or my heels might be taller but I wasn't about to apologize for any of that. I'd felt crappy my whole life for not looking like a normal mom and being younger, single. I was over it. "So what does your day look like? I know we get to meet for lunch." I tried to change the subject and move on.

"Yeah, I'll meet you after my last class. It's actually right over there," he pointed to a pair of double doors on an adjacent building that we passed.

"Okay! I'm excited for the Parent Picnic in the main quad. That'll be fun!"

"The best," he teased sarcastically.

He dropped me off with the slew of other parents and I joined the group, waving him goodbye. The host greeted us then started on the history of the school, programs, architecture, and the leadership.

We toured the great halls, the library, and I lingered back towards the end of the group as we proceeded to yet another important building.

"This campus is amazing, isn't it!"

I turned to meet a very handsome face, slightly older, walking up next to me.

"It is!"

"Is this your first parents' day?" He started walking with me.

"Yes, you?"

"Had my other daughter's back in October. She's up at Berkeley."

"That's great!"

"And ironic," he laughed.


"Because my daughter here is named Berkeley."

"What?" I laughed, meeting his shrug. "Seriously!"

"My wife, well ex-wife now, is a die hard Berkeley alumna. But Berkeley was too embarrassed to go to Berkeley," he chuckled.

"That's funny."

"What about you?" He asked as his voice trailed off. "Is your husband an alumnus here?"

"No, not married actually," I shrugged. "My son just wanted to be in San Diego."

"Very nice. I'm Mike by the way." He held out his hand and I took it, shaking it quickly.


We toured the outdoor dedication gardens before returning to our starting point and finally being dismissed for lunch.

"I think Berkeley's pretty excited about this picnic thing. I haven't seen her much this year."

"Not even over the holidays?"

"She was with her mom for Christmas then took off on a snowboarding trip."

"Grant went on a snowboarding trip too, to Big Bear."

"That's where Berkeley was. Must be pretty popular with the kids." He continued walking with me towards the building Grant had shown me earlier. With all the chaos I thought it'd be easier if I met him in lieu of him trying to find me.

"This is me, it was nice meeting you Mike." I offered my hand out for him to shake one last time.

"This is my stop too."


"Yeah." He pulled a paper out of his pocket as the first student pushed through the double doors. "See Tech Building 12B."

Tech... Grant had stopped by the house that day for his tech class. With Gavin! My eyes shot up to the students pouring through the double doors right as Grant, Gavin, the other guy I met, and two girls piled out- all of them staring at us.

"Mom!" Grant called with a giant smile on his face. "You remember Gavin and Dan."

Oh my god. I choked a bit, giving him an awkward nod. "Nice... nice to see you guys again." This was beyond awkward. Not to mention Gavin seemed so much younger here and my brain couldn't handle it. I hated reality.

"Daddy!" One of the girls called out to Mike. Mike! I glanced up at Gavin seeing his eyes on Mike and the lack of space between the two of us. "Grant this is my dad Mike and of course he found the hottest mom here to hit on, typical," she laughed.

Gavin's eyes were black, burning like fire and I could see his fists clenching at his sides.

"I did no such thing! Sadie and I were just tour buddies. Although she is quite stunning," Mike grinned playfully.

My cheeks were burning from both the compliment and Gavin's angered face."We better get going Grant. I'm starved!" I insisted, beckoning him towards me. I needed to get the hell out of here.

"Let's eat together!" Berkeley squealed. "What do you think Grant?"

Grant? I looked between the two of them, she was smiling at him and he was smiling right back. Oh my god, I knew those looks. They were either together or liked each other.

"That's cool," Grant shrugged back, cheeks blushing.

"I think," I started, giving Gavin a quick look. "We should just eat the two of us. We hardly get to spend any time together."

"The more the merrier," Grant chuckled, completely dismissing my plea.

"We'll come to," Gavin interjected. "Dan and I are hungry."

I looked at Grant, hoping he'd notice my wide eyes trying to send him a message. Instead he was beaming, nodding his head yes.

"Of course!" He gushed.

How could Gavin do this to me! He knew my comfort zone with Grant. But he wasn't thinking about me right now, his eyes were on Mike and of course Mike would never suspect that I was hooking up with one of these students, because even I couldn't believe it.

Incidental Fate Book 1Where stories live. Discover now