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"I'll be right back, gonna wash up." Gavin kissed my forehead before sliding out of the booth and disappearing into the dark madness.

I adjusted my dress then slid out of the booth to try and spot May and the girls. I wasn't about to get lost in all of this.

"All alone?" I turned, meeting a stranger's face approaching me.

"No," I smiled politely back, hoping he'd take the hint.

"You look alone," he chuckled, rubbing his hand through his over gelled hair.

"I'm just saving the table," I shrugged, turning my head away from him.

"Want to dance?"

"No thanks, I'm waiting on someone." He just wouldn't take a hint. There were hundreds of girls here, move along.

"I can wait with you."

I couldn't stand drunk guys, especially ones that were so damn persistent. Then he started closing in on the space between us and I stepped back, hitting the table. He was too close for comfort and I was locked in.

"How about I buy you a drink then?"

"My boyfriend is getting me a drink actually," I snapped. "So you can move on to the next girl."

He inched even closer, so close I could smell the alcohol on his nasty breath. "You need to get out of my face!" I finally pushed past him but he grabbed my arm.

"Come on, I don't bite."

"But I do!" Gavin shouted just as his fist pummeled into the man's face.

"Who the fuck are you?" The guy shot back, grabbing his face with his hands. He should have just taken off, but at least he was smart enough not to hit back.

"I'm with her and if I see you touching her and any other woman in here I'm gonna beat the shit out of you."

"Stupid punk," the guy spat before taking off.

"Are you okay?" Gavin huffed, pulling me into him.

"Yeah, he was just a stupid handsy drunk."

"I should have had you come with me." He continued holding me and I wrapped my arms around him, trying to calm him down.

"It's okay, you came at just the right time. Plus, I've taken a few self defense courses," I grinned up to him. "I know exactly where to aim."

His face softened a little but he still held on to me tightly.

"But," I continued. "You shouldn't be hitting anyone or starting fights. Next time use your words."

"I know, I just, I saw you moving away and then when he grabbed you. I just wanted to get him off you. I blame the Italian in me, we're very passionate."

"Well put a kibosh on the passion. I'm on vacation and I don't want to be a nurse tonight."

His eyes lit up. "You don't? Well there goes that fantasy," he teased.

"Come on." I pulled at his waist, leading him towards the packed dance floor. "You want to dance?"

"I'll do anything if it's with you."

I drug him over to the bar first, I would need a few more drinks before we actually hit the floor. "Three fireballs please," I screamed to the bartender.

"Three?" Gavin mouthed.

The bartender returned with the shots and I handed one to Gavin and picked up one in each of my hands. "Cheers."

Gavin led me now, weaving through the crowd until he found May and the bachelor party.

The room was slowly spinning, everything starting to feel a little lighter now and suddenly I didn't care who was staring at us and I didn't care that May's jaw was practically on the floor when I wrapped Gavin's arms around my waist, swaying to the music. All that mattered was him and I.

The next song came on and Gavin spun me around, pulling me back against him. I was sliding up and down over him, grinding in sync with the beat around us.

I was lost in a drunken passionate euphoria, twisting and shaking for him, feeling how much he enjoyed it.

"I want you now," he hissed against my neck. I wanted him too.

I started towards the girls, laughing at May and Debbie's jaws just hanging open, watching us as we walked towards them, his hands over me and his mouth buried in my neck.

"I'm going to... to take off now," I giggled, feeling the alcohol running through me. "I'll call you in a bit."

"I, uh, are you sure?" Debbie asked, looking like she was in shock by the passion in front of her.

"Yeah," I giggled as his tongue circled behind my ear.

"So much for being my wing woman," May laughed, pointing an accusatory finger at me.

"Next time, promise."

Gavin gave them a wave, already turning us around, navigating back through the crowded club to the exit.

The elevator doors parted and he walked us to the back of the lift, his hand grabbing at the back of my thigh right under my dress. Shit....

Just a short ride and we'd be behind closed doors.

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