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"Here's your bag, are you sure you can't call someone to give you a ride home?"

"I'm fine," I assured Debbie. "I'll check in on Monday and we can arrange my schedule from there."

"Okay," she shrugged and I gave her a quick hug before walking back through the ER.

This was the first time I'd had to use the public exit and it was such a strange feeling being the patient in my own department.

I looked ahead, staring out the row of sliding glass doors, watching the patients and visitors shuffling in and out before me- except one.

My eyes stopped on the tall figure, looking so out of place as he paced aggressively back and forth outside the glass doors.

It couldn't be! Maybe I did bump my head. This was impossible. I had to be seeing things.

His hand flew up to his wild, unkempt black hair while his other threw a phone up to his ear.... and then my phone started ringing.

Gavin! I walked through the doors, causing him to throw a quick arbitrary glance over his shoulder.

It was him. He was here.... how... why... it didn't matter! I could feel my heart calling for him. I didn't realize how much I needed him today until now.

He saw me but snapped his head back too quickly, only to whip it right back around, staring at me for a few seconds then rushing towards me.

"Jesus Christ Sadie!" He was running so fast I thought he was going to knock me over.

"Gavin, I'm.."

He crashed into me, his hands flying to my face as his mouth plowed into mine. But his lips and tongue were moving too fast, too wild. His kiss was urgent, aggressive, pleading.

Then his hands dropped and he wrapped his arms around my back, pressing me against his chest.

Gavin! His kiss finally slowed and I melted into him, wanting to cry, scream, and laugh all at the same time.

"Fuck!" He cried, his tears hitting my cheeks and I pulled away but he swiped the tears from his eyes then buried his face into my hair.

"How are you here Gavin?" I whispered, rubbing my hands along the strong arms that gripped me. "You did go to New York right?"

He suddenly pulled away, red puffy eyes looking me over. "Are you okay?"

He didn't wait for an answer, immediately and haphazardly bending down, attacking me with his kisses once more.

"Yes," I breathed against his lips. "But I sprained my arm, really not that bad, considering." I waved my bandaged arm up to him and he dropped his arms from my waist, stepping back, just staring at the splint.

His eyes went wide, then dark. "Fuck!" He yelled, turning to pace, wild with emotion. I was right in front of him but he couldn't calm down.

"I'm okay," I grabbed for his hand, pulling him back to me. "How are you here right now Gavin?"

He looked down into my eyes, taking a deep breath as his eyes moved down to my neck, fixating on something and I reached my hand up, feeling the swallow necklace.

"I was so fucking scared Sadie. Shit!" He pulled me into his chest, wrapping his arms around me so tightly that I could feel his heart racing. "I was going out of my fucking mind thinking something had happened to you."

I was scared too. I hadn't even begun to process everything that had happened today. "I'm sorry Debbie made it sound worse than it was. I'm sorry you came back for nothing," I sighed against his rapidly heaving chest.

"It didn't fucking matter what she said, I needed to be here with you."

"I'm sorry about the other day too Gavin."

"No. I'm fucking sorry. I was such a dick," he huffed, tightening his arms even stronger around me. "Then I get a message there's been some big fucking earthquake and I couldn't get ahold of you. I should have never fucking left."

"You couldn't have prevented the accident Gavin."

His eyes shot down to mine, "but I could have been right there afterwards, not on the other side of the goddamn country."

"They got it off of me and like the doctor said, by the grace of God nothing was broken."

He pulled back slightly, his eyes narrowing. "Got what off of you?"

"The machine, Kirk's anesthesia system is what fell on top of me and pinned me down."

His eyes went wide and wild again. "Pinned you down..."

"When the earthquake hit, I was frozen and Kirk tried to pull me away but instead I fell and then his machine fell over me."

"Kirk? The guy from the fucking Mexican restaurant?" He was getting agitated again, releasing his hold of me.

"Yeah, he was just trying to help but it went terribly wrong."

He started pacing again, arms flexing, hands forming fists. "Where is he now?"

"Probably helping some of the hundreds of patients still inside." I grabbed his hand, stopping him from pacing and pulling him back to me. I needed him to hold me again. I could feel my body starting to tremor. The earthquake, the accident, the pain, him here- it was too much.

"I never want to feel like that again Sadie, I never want to be so fucking far away that I can't get to you. I'm sorry I left, I'm sorry for everything."

"You were able to get to me today," I smiled up to him, trying to calm him done.

"Almost ten hours later," he balked.

"Do you want to follow me home?" I needed to get away from this hospital and so did he.

"I'll drive you home. I took a ride straight from the airport."

He was in no state to drive. "I can drive!"

"Baby please," he groaned. "Please don't fight me on this, not today."

"Okay." I pulled out my keys, handing them to him but his hand wrapped over mine, pulling it up to his lips.

"I'm so relieved you're okay baby." He met my eyes as a single tear escaped his. "I love you Sadie."

Incidental Fate Book 1Where stories live. Discover now