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"Gavin!" I laughed as he swatted my ass and flipped me down onto the towel.

"Just be lucky I didn't charge all the way upstairs," he chuckled breathlessly.

"Hmm.... and not going upstairs is lucky how?"

He dropped down on the towel next to me and I shot him a playful look, "don't worry we'll have plenty of time for you to get lucky."

He pulled his arm up and I noticed a bandage on his arm. "What's that?"

"Huh?" He rubbed over his arm where his New York skyline should be. "Oh, um got hurt, no big deal."

I rolled up on the towel, reaching over to him as he twisted away. "You got hurt?"

"Just a cut."

"Let me see it."

"It's fine," he grinned, laying himself down on the towel and flexing his arms under his head.

"Gavin, I'm a nurse!"

"Trust me, I know," he growled playfully. "And I hope you're saving that for my birthday."

"Oh god!" I flipped onto my stomach, resting my head over my folded arms and closing my eyes, succumbing to the sound of waves and visitors chattering.

I felt a tickle on my thigh and shook it off, trying to keep my sleep. Then the tickle moved up to my ass and I snapped around to smack whatever it was off.

"Ouch," Gavin chuckled.

"I'm sleeping!"

"And I'm creeping," he continued chuckling.

"Ugh." I flipped myself around, squinting up to him.

"Oh baby." He ran his fingers up my stomach and across the bikini top.

He moved down to me and I could see his red face, "You look burned."

"Yeah, we fell asleep, your back is burned too baby." His fingers ran across my collarbone as his eyes bored into me. "Our late Check-out is almost up... so...," he grinned.


"I guess I wore you out," he purred.

"Then we should probably get to our room," I flirted, running my fingers up his arm, "because I need to pack my stuff."

He chuckled as he leaned over me, lowering his head to mine until our lips met. "Save it for the room," I breathed into him.

I pushed him off of me and stood up, feeling sand in places it shouldn't be.

I grabbed my sandy cover up and slid it over me, then reached for my neck to adjust my, oh no.

"Gavin, my necklace!" I shook out the towel below me and billowed my cover around.


"It's gone!" I drug my foot around in the sand but it wasn't anywhere. "I bet it fell off in the water."

I don't know why it hit me so hard, but that little bird had started to mean so much to me.

"It's fine. I'll order another one online, you'll have it tomorrow."

"That's not the same, there's no sentiment that way. We, I don't know, we got it together, and the story, and.."

"Baby, it's a twenty dollar necklace, we'll just go back and get another," he smiled, rubbing my arms as I pouted. "But this time I'll drive."

I looked back over at the water, it was probably long gone. "Fine," I sighed.

He took my hand and we headed back up to the room. I threw my swim cover off, grabbing some shorts and a tank to go over it as I grabbed my things around the room.

"Why are you putting on more clothes?" He called from behind me.

"I don't know," I laughed. "I want to pack first." I stuffed my makeup and lingerie back into my bag then took a long walk around the beautiful room and out to the balcony. "Gavin."


"Let's take a picture," I begged as the waves crashed behind me. I wanted something to remember this weekend by and I was so paranoid about Grant seeing us that I never took photos of Gavin. "Hurry, my phone's dying."

He walked out to me, wrapping me up in his arms as I held out my phone and flipped the camera. They we were, smiling up at our reflections, after an amazing weekend together.

"One more," I insisted, turning to kiss him right as my phone shut off.

He led me back to the bedroom, swiping the bed clean and accidentally tossing my purse to the floor before laying me down.

"Oh shit," he sighed. "We've got to go."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, hotel's booked, otherwise I would have got another night just for the few extra hours," he huffed. "But we can finish this at your place."

He lifted me back off the bed and I grumbled over my spilt bag as he bent down with me throwing everything in my purse or duffel before rolling it all to the door.

"I want to come here again," I mused, leaning over to kiss him.

"Anything for you baby! Just name the day."

He grabbed our bags and we closed the door behind us. Our fun sexy weekend was over, well almost over, we still had some time before work.

Incidental Fate Book 1Where stories live. Discover now