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"Morning sunshine!"

May sang in my ear as her arm wrapped around me. "Thought you were going to take the couch?"

"Ugh, what time is it?" My Head was throbbing and I could barely move my legs.

"Almost eleven, check-out's in ten minutes and our flight leaves in like an hour girl!"

"Why didn't you wake me earlier!" I sat up too fast and a jackhammer pain slammed through my head.

"We did!" Julia laughed, rounding the corner from the bathroom, fully dressed and I looked next to me at May, she was dressed too. Damn, I must have been exhausted.

I shot up, thankful I took a shower last night and threw on a sundress and wedges.

"We're going to drop you guys at the airport on our way out," Julia smiled as I tossed my makeup bag into my carry-on and rushed to follow them out the door.

Debbie and Sarah were already waiting downstairs and we beelined for the car so we wouldn't miss our flight.

"Next time we should just drive with them." I flashed my ticket to security before throwing my bag on the X-ray belt.

"I get too car sick!" May pretended to gag as she walked through the scanner.

Then we grabbed our bags and raced to the terminal, arriving just as the flight was boarding.

"Sooo," May squealed once we took our seats. "Tell me everything!"

"What?" I shrugged.


Gavin! I grabbed my phone out of my bag, powering it back on. My screen was flashing immediately, one new message, then two, then three, then four. Jesus. I opened the messages, scrolling up to the beginning.

"That him?" May peered down at my phone but I twisted the screen away from her.

"No, Mike." I lied.

I looked back at my phone, reading the messages silently:
'Just let me know you made it to your room ok.'
'All I can think about is you crying.'
'I didn't mean to be an ass.'
'Sadie. Please.'
'Fuck. This is ridiculous.'
'Sorry. Just let me know you're safe in bed.'
'Goodnight baby.'
'Really? Still not fucking answering.'
'I might have been shitty last night, but don't deserve to be shut out.'

I didn't know how to respond back so I quickly text: 'On plane, turned phone off last night.'

I powered it back off and stashed it away.

"Now I want details!" May smiled and I took a deep breath, knowing I had to choose my words wisely.

"I was pretty drunk. I mean I don't remember much...."

"That's BS... I don't care how drunk you were, men that hot with those bulgy biceps and sexy dark eyes... you remember all of that!"

"It was a fun night..." Until he pulled the asshole card.

"I bet! Why'd you come back? He have some weird fetish or something?"

"No, jeez. I just..."

"I get it, had your sexy time and he was done. Guys these days," she sighed, rolling her eyes.

I nodded my head in agreement. This lie was easier than telling her what had happened or that we hadn't just met. Truth was I obviously would have stayed with him all night if he hadn't thrown a temper tantrum and said that crap to me.

I pretended to sleep the remainder of the flight and managed to distract her enough to keep Gavin out of the conversation on the way home.

"You working tomorrow?" She asked as we turned onto my street.

"Of course!" I whined playfully before spotting the out of place black sports car on my street. Shit.

She swerved in front of my driveway and I hopped out, practically throwing my bag from her back seat and waving her off.

I hurried up the sidewalk, smacking the door open, hearing the obnoxious "beep, beep, beep." Shit... I pulled my keys back out hitting the disarm button on my keyfob.

And he was knocking at the door only seconds later.

"It's open," I called back and he immediately turned the knob, storming right inside.

Oh Gavin. He looked disheveled, eyes red and swollen, hair stuck up in every direction. Even his clothes were the same from last night.

"Lock the goddamn door! Jesus!" He snapped, slamming it behind him.

"Excuse me?" I had assumed he was here to apologize not snap at me some more.

"Why didn't you answer my fucking calls or message me back? Nothing Sadie!"

"I turned my phone off, but you don't get to demand answers after how you talked to me! In fact you can leave!" I nodded back towards the door but he wasn't moving.

"You think I don't realize how shitty I was? I was... I was in a fucked up place and then I saw you crying, then just fucking disappearing!" He balked, shaking his head side to side. "You get pissed and disappear alone in fucking Vegas with your phone turned off!"

He threw his hands up to his temples, closing his eyes for a second. "I was so fucking worried. I didn't know if you'd even made it back to the room or if you went downstairs, had some asshole after you, or left. You could have at least let me know you were okay." He kept his hands on his temples, storming past me to the couch.

"I can take care of myself Gavin, next time just stop calling, just assume I'll be okay."

He pulled his hands away from his face and I could see the wetness on his cheeks and the tears welling up in his eyes. "There won't be a fucking next time Sadie!"

Incidental Fate Book 1Where stories live. Discover now