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I was an idiot. One, I'd finally got to spend time with Grant and I wasted it and two, I let some prick college kid nail me. Even worse was that my heart hurt from tonight, and it shouldn't. I shouldn't care that some girl was rubbing his arm or that he ignored me with some jackass indifference. What the hell was happening to me, I needed to Google Midlife Crisis.

I told myself I'd never cry over a guy, Grant's dad had dried up these wells long ago, but here they were, welling up. I cried myself to sleep for the first time in a very long while.

My alarm went off at 5, as it did every work day only this time I was already awake, staring at and waiting for it to beep. Maybe I'd ask Kirk to lunch today, he seemed like a decent enough guy, maybe if I just got to know him better then he'd grow on me.

I grabbed my bag, throwing the front door open, "Shit!" I grabbed my heart, instinctively jumping back.

"What are you doing here?" I shrieked, trying to calm myself as Gavin leaned against the wall.

He looked back at me with equal surprise. "I was going to knock, but wasn't sure if Grant was here."

"He's not," I snapped, locking the door and pushing past him. "Why are you here so early?"

"I knew you had to work. Are you mad or something?"

"Mad? Am I mad?" Not at all asshole, jerk, player... "No, I'm not mad. I need to get to work. Why don't you go back to your girlfriend or whatever."

He bolted over to me, grabbing my arm to slow me down. "Girlfriend?"

"Last night, that girl, whatever I don't even care."

"Slow down and talk to me!" He snapped. "She's not my girlfriend."

"You were fucking me just hours before that! You're disgusting!" I threw the driver side door open and he raced to the passenger side, opening it before I could lock it.

"I didn't fuck her," he screamed, jumping right into my car and slamming the door. "I already had that planned. Why do you think Chris and Jack were there? I didn't want to be alone with her and I didn't wanna be a dick."

"Why were you so rude to me then?"

"Are you fucking kidding me right now! Rude to you? What did you want me to do? Kiss you, flirt, grab your ass? You were with Grant! You told me how you didn't want him to know, so I tried my best to ignore how hot you fucking looked, how I wanted to punch Chris in the face for calling you hot, and how all I wanted to do was walk over to that damn booth and sit next to you."

"Sure." Shit. I didn't know how to react after my obvious overreaction.

"Talking about age... you're the one acting like a child," he huffed. "I even drove around your block like three times last night but I didn't want to risk Grant being here."

"I'm going to be late..."

"Talk to me! This is ridiculous. I didn't do anything. This is like college chick drama."

Oh no he didn't. My insides were burning with passion, anger, lust, jealousy, embarrassment, and I couldn't handle it this morning.

"Sadie..." He leaned over, reaching to my hand and pulling it into his.

I tried to pull away but he wouldn't relent. "Stop," I muttered, looking toward the window to gather my strength. "This needs to be over, I'm already in way over my head."

"Kiss me!" He commanded, pulling my shoulder towards him.

"I need to get to work." I looked away but his hand moved from my shoulder to my chin, turning it to meet his face.

His black eyes met mine as he lowered down, kissing me. His lips moving slow, then fast, smothering me and I kissed him back. Wild lips, wild tongues and before I knew it I was wrapped up in him, my hands clawing his back as his tongue traced my mouth. I wanted him so bad. Dammit Sadie.

"No." I pushed him away, turning to stare at my garage door. "I can't do flings. I already told you I'm not that kind of older woman." Older woman- God, that sounded horrible. "Please Gavin, I need to get to work."

"We're not done here!" He groaned, shaking his head in annoyance. "Yesterday was hard on me. I wanted to be with you, I want to be with you. This isn't just a fling."

"It sure as hell cant be anything more! Now get out, please."

"And only you get to decide that huh?" He threw the door open then just as quickly slammed it shut.

I quickly reversed out of the driveway, watching as he balked to his car. The ache in my heart from last night was gone, now there was a new one in its place, one that wished I would have called in sick to work and went back inside with him.

Incidental Fate Book 1Where stories live. Discover now