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"I thought that was you!" Mike mused. "I'm taking the train back to LA, at least this way I can work and not be stuck in bumper to bumper traffic."

"Oh, that's smart." Shit. Shit. Shit. I couldn't breathe. Gavin would be back any second. Shit. Shit. Shit.

"That's too bad you were called in Tuesday, I know Grant was really bummed."

"Yeah, I, um." Shit. Shit. I heard the roar of a train coming, it needed to get here now!

"What are you doing up here?" He asked as his eyes moved up to something behind me.

I felt an arm wrap around my waist, turning me sideways as lips pressed into mine. "Hey baby, got our tickets."

What the hell was he doing! I tried to wriggle out of his grip, but his grip was locked around me.

I watched Gavin through Mike's surprised eyes. "How's it going," Gavin grumbled to Mike.

"Hi... I... do I know you?" Mike scrunched his eyes as he stared over at Gavin.

My eyes shot up to Gavin, thank god his sunglasses were still on. I tried to pull away again, only to have Gavin pull me closer.

"I'm Mike," Mike half-smiled, holding out his hand for Gavin to shake.

"Sadie's boyfriend, nice to fucking meet you." He kept his hands wrapped tightly around me as Mike recoiled. Shit. Shit. What the hell was he thinking.

The train finally rolled past us and came to a stop. "This is us baby," Gavin hissed, kissing me for show and pulling us away from Mike.

"Nice meeting you Mark," he spat as we turned to board and he finally released his grip on me.

I stormed past him, taking a seat in the nearly full cabin.

"What the hell Gavin!" I snapped as he took his seat next to mine. "How could you have done that! He's going to tell Grant!"

A few passengers turned at the commotion, eyeing me, then Gavin, before pretending to not be interested.

"I don't give a shit," he groaned. "I wanted him to fucking know you were taken and that he needed to move on."

"I was going to handle that! He was heading home to LA for heaven's sake, not knocking at my door!"

"But you haven't told him yet, knocking would be next," he barked.

I could feel my pulse quickening and I took a deep breathe trying to control my rising anxiety. "I just can't believe you did that, do you even realize what you did!"

"What? Hold you? Kiss you? Tell him we're together? Sorry, I don't see anything fucking wrong with what I did."

I quickly glanced around making sure there were no kids in earshot. Gavin used fuck often, but when he was pissed he used it a lot.

"You don't always need to claim me! I'm not property!"

"Fuck that. You think I'm going to just let him flirt with you again while I stand back watching. That's bullshit and you know it!" He shook his head in disgust, grumbling under his breath, "this isn't about claiming you, this about claiming us."

I looked out the window, the train was rolling out of the station now. I should be admiring the view after a perfect date, not staring at my faint reflection in the window, willing her not to cry.

This was my fault, I let my guard down. I thought I was safe up here, out of San Diego. But no, here was the universe telling me otherwise.

I could only pray that Mike wouldn't tell Berkeley or Grant. Or at least wait a bit to tell them. Shit. I wasn't prepared for this.

"I can't believe you're actually fucking mad," he continued.

"This isn't about your pride or disrespect Gavin. This is about me not being ready to tell Grant. Why couldn't you have just thought about me, what I needed."

"What you fucking needed!" He chuckled angrily, "I have to sit back because you're embarrassed or whatever the fuck it is and don't want to tell people about me."

"Quiet." I hushed him, mouthing apologies to the few who turned at the screaming.

He didn't understand, how could he. I felt a single tear fall down my cheek, then another.

I kept my eyes on the rolling view as I felt his body lean further away from me. The quaint town slowly turned into the ocean and then the city and then the train station.

I stood up automatically, following behind a cold Gavin as we exited the train.

He didn't open the passenger door for me, choosing instead to throw his door open and slam it shut. He was pissed, but I didn't care.

We drove back in silence, neither of us willing to make the first concession. He could have just ignored Mike, hung in the shadows for those few minutes.

He pulled up in front of my house, not even bothering to turn into the driveway. "I can't believe you're doing this right before I fucking leave," he barked. "You should be fucking proud to have me on your arm."

I turned to face him, his dark eyes even bolder than usual as I muttered back, "I think some time apart might be a good thing."

I opened the door and climbed out, shutting it behind me with no goodbye as he sped away.

We had such a perfect day and it was ruined. Ruined by Mike and ruined by Gavin's ridiculous pride. And now I was left with two options: tell Grant or wait for Mike to.

My only hope was that Mike couldn't remember how he knew Gavin's face, maybe the sunglasses were enough to throw him off. Then it would just be that I was seeing another guy. But if he did end up putting it together then, shit.

A nearby dog barked in the darkness, pulling me out of my thoughts as I realized I was still standing on my front patio.

I disarmed the front door and swung it open, heading straight for the wine.

My phone started buzzing in my bag, Gavin probably, letting me know he's sorry and turning around. I rummaged for it, seeing May's name flashing instead as I answered.

"Hi, what's going on?"
"Sure, I don't have plans anyways. Tell Debbie I'll cover."

And now I'd be working on Saturday. I had planned a 'me' day, shopping, gardening, and maybe seeing Grant.

Oh well, it was probably better this way, at least I'd be distracted.

I wouldn't see Gavin until Sunday, maybe even later now. This time apart would be good for us. I needed to clear my head without sex fogging it up.

Incidental Fate Book 1Where stories live. Discover now