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Joe wheeled me over to radiology, which was already filled with wheelchairs and gurneys like mine.

"What's going on?" He asked Mark.

"Besides the earthquake," he grumbled. "We've got a machine down and we're short staffed. What happened Sadie?"

"Nothing," I grumbled. "Just a little accident."

"We need to get an x-Ray of her right arm."

"Sorry guys. I'll give Sadie preference but it'll still be a wait. Who's looked at it?"

"Me and a few other nurses. There's no visible bone and beyond massive bruising I don't see any disfiguration," Joe shrugged. "Only smashed her arm so injury should be contained."

"What smashed it?"

"Kirk's anesthesia robot," he huffed as he rolled his eyes.

"What a putz," Mark whined. "Sorry Sadie."

"I'm fine, really, but I should get back, it's already chaos over there."

"You're not going back to work Sadie, you're a liability, you know the protocol," Mark chuckled.

"I got to get back to the floor, I hate to do this but I'm going to have to park you here," Joe apologized.

"That's fine," I shrugged as he rolled me to the only open space in the room.

Beyond my arm I was perfectly capable of helping out, even if it was just to answer phones or dole out direction. Now I would be stuck here for a few hours and that's only if I didn't get bumped by new emergencies.

I laid my head back down on the gurney, closing my eyes and letting the raucous of the room drown out my thoughts.

"Sadie, Sadie."

I blinked my eyes back open to see Mark hovering over me. "Your turn."

"That was fast," I yawned.

"Yeah, three hours fast," he laughed.

"Three hours?"

"Hope they weren't worried about a concussion," he laughed again.

He wheeled me into the radiation suite where they adjusted the cameras over my arm, then removed my wrap and the splint.

From my wrist to my elbow was already swollen dark purple and blue. It was bad and ugly.

"Yikes," the new tech, who hadn't met yet, cringed. "Hold still while I snap some pics."

He walked back behind the glass wall as the machine whirred to life.

I couldn't help but stare down at the swollen mass that just hours earlier was a thin tan arm.

"Alrighty," he yelled coming back around the glass. "You're all set. We'll get these to Miller right away."

"What's the verdict?"

"You know I can't say anything."

I gave him my most annoyed look then he rolled his eyes, murmuring, "I will say it looks much worse on the outside."

Incidental Fate Book 1Where stories live. Discover now