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We quickly checked into the hotel, May didn't want to waste any time today and the sooner she could forget about her divorce the better. So we made our way up to our room, immediately changing into our bathing suits.

"Damn girl," she cat-called the second I walked out of the bathroom in my bikini.

"Right back at you!" I didn't realize how curvy she was, I was used to seeing her in her loose scrubs. She threw on some shorts while I tossed on my sheer bathing suit cover and then we were out.

"Hey!" She sang, flirting with every stranger that looked our way. She was always bubbly like that. Even in the most stressful situations at the hospital she'd be cracking jokes to pull us through it.

"Look at all this eye candy!" She exclaimed as we made our way over to two empty pool chairs.

"How old do you think he is?" She gestured towards a guy heading for the lazy river.

"I don't know, twenty-five?"

"Damn, too young for me!" She laughed and I chuckled awkwardly looking at the guy again.

May was a year younger than me and she thought twenty-five was too young. What would she think about twenty-two. "You're hot and what's really the difference between thirty-five and twenty-five, ten years is nothing! If it was reversed and you were ten years younger than it'd be a match made in Heaven. And on the plane you did say age is just a number!" I wasn't sure who I was trying to convince.

"I'm no cougar," she chuckled. "Plus young guys want young girls. I've got too much baggage."

May didn't even have kids, what baggage did she mean. And cougar, god I hated that word. "Even just for the night?"

"I guess a night or two wouldn't hurt," she smiled back as we settled in.

I watched the couples around us, all flirting and making out. I had told Gavin not to come but once again I was wishing he was here with me. "Lazy river?" I suggested, needing a break from couple watching and thinking about Gavin.

"Sure!" We walked through the chairs to the lazy river, waiting for empty floats to come around.

"You two need floats?"

"Yes!" May answered, looking back at me when she saw the hot guy who was handing them to us. A much younger hot guy.

"We're going in too but have these extras."

"Perfect," she smiled, grabbing one and handing it to me before grabbing the other for herself.

"Just a night or two," she whispered to me with a wink.

I waded down the steps, sinking under the water and popping back up into the center of the tube as May followed suit with the two guys behind her.

"I'm Paul," the burgundy haired one smiled, swimming up beside me.

"Sadie, nice to meet you." I pulled myself up onto the float, lying over it.

"You girls here a while?"

"Nope, leave tomorrow." I knew my answers were short, but I couldn't help think of Gavin.

"We're heading to the club tonight if you ladies are around."

"The one here?"


"I think some of the girls mentioned that. The rest of our party arrives later today."

"Cool, I'll give you my number and you message me if you're coming." No thanks.

"Okay," I smiled, keeping my face tilted towards the sky, feeling the tiniest pang of guilt for talking to him.

We floated a few more laps before climbing out and the guys followed us back to our chairs while May took their numbers.

"They are hot!" May pretended to fan herself as she settled back into the chair.

"A little young don't you think?" I teased.

"Age is but a number," she recited back to me.

If only. I sank into my chair, bathing in the sun for another hour or so before calling it quits.

"I'm so ready for tonight!" May squealed as we stepped back into the elevator.

"Me too!" It was already dark and I was ready to party.

We hit our room running and I shimmied on my gold dress, adding just a touch of makeup before walking back into the main room, seeing May in a tight silver dress.

"You ready?"

"I am, but you're not!" She shook her head at me.

"What do you mean?"

"It's Vegas girl!" She squealed, waving her hand over my face. "Let me fix you up! You're not even wearing makeup!"

"I am, just not a lot." I didn't want to look too over the top, my dress was already flashy enough.

"You're my wing woman!"

And... "Fine." I relented, taking a seat on the bed while she grabbed her makeup bag, already starting on my face.

"Now you're ready for Vegas!"

I stood up and walked over to the bathroom mirror, appraising my new Vegas look. I never put on this type of dramatic makeup but it was fun for a night or two. I didn't know if it was the look, my new found freedom, the sex or Gavin but I felt different this trip.

Incidental Fate Book 1Where stories live. Discover now