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"You know we never opened our fortune cookies last night," I teased a still groggy Gavin. It was nearly 9am and I was wide awake. Yesterday felt like a dream, a long, crazy, painful dream.

"And?" He yawned, pulling the blanket over his head.

"How about some coffee and fortune cookies for breakfast?" I yanked his arm, pulling him up with me and he grumbled his way out of bed, following me to the kitchen.

I grabbed one of the fortune cookies from the table, cracking it in half and pulling out the small paper inside, reading it aloud. "Accept something that you cannot change, and you will feel better." Story of my life. "What does yours say?"

He bit his cookie in half, crunching it loudly as he pulled the fortune out. "Depart not from the path which fate has you assigned." He chuckled under his breath, tossing the paper to the counter. "Who writes this shit."

"Don't throw it away! You can play the numbers on the back in the lottery."

"The lottery?" He repeated, chuckling under his breath.

"Yeah, you don't play?"


What... "Well I do! Every month for the last eighteen years."

"And have you won anything?"

"About fifty dollars total," I laughed, but one day I would. "Who knows, maybe these will finally be the winning numbers."

"Why bother," he shrugged. "Seems like a bad investment. Eighteen years of losses."

"Because how amazing would it be to win all that money! I could pay off this house, pay off Grant's school loans, put money away for retirement..." Finally not have to count every single penny, not have to worry about how I'm going to pay the bills. "I saved every extra dollar I had the last ten years just to afford the down payment for this place. Try being a single mother, with no other financial support, then you'd understand." I grabbed our fortunes off the table, sticking them right under a magnet on the fridge. "I'll get you a ticket too."

"I don't need to win," he smiled, stepping over and wrapping his arms around my waist. "I've got everything I need." He lowered his face to mine, kissing me softly as his hands drifted down my stomach. "What do you want to do today baby?" His hands kept drifting, fingers curling right between my thighs.

"I... uh," I was too focused on his fingers to answer.

Then his arm swung back, grabbing a chair, yanking it over and sinking down on it, pulling me onto his lap- his bulge hitting right at my center.

I slid my good hand down, finagling under his waistband, clutching his morning wood. "Help me get this shirt off."

"No baby, I want to watch your tits bounce under my shirt."

Fine by me, I lifted slightly, his finger running under me, hooking over the panties and pulling them aside, and then I met his tip, sliding down over him.

"Oh god," I gasped, grinding slowly, working him in, rising up, sliding down, riding him.

He was grunting, dark wild eyes fixated on my chest so I bounced a little harder, giving him a show. "Baby," he groaned, pushing his face into my chest, nipping at the shirt, at my rock hard nipples underneath. Fuck... I rolled up, then dropped, plunging hard, deep, sending my body into shock,coming with him.

"Damn," he sighed, keeping his face against my chest. "I think.... that fate has assigned me to fucking you every damn day and I should not depart from it."

I was laughing with him, flashing my eyes back up at the fortune on the fridge. "I guess I'll accept that as something I can't change," I continued laughing.

"Now what do you really want to do today baby?" He smiled up at me. "I don't really want to be inside, in case there are aftershocks or whatever."

I knew if we stayed home we'd be like this all day, which I didn't mind at all, but it'd probably be good to get some fresh air, at least for a bit. "I don't care, your call."

"How about a zoo?"

"A zoo?" I laughed. He wasn't serious.. I just fucked him and now he wanted to go to the zoo. "Like a zoo, zoo?"

"Yeah," he shrugged. "There are a bunch around here. San Diego's famous for them. It's good weather today and you can't go to the beach with that thing." He pointed to my splint.

Yup, he was serious. "I...I... haven't been to a zoo in years. I mean, I guess that sounds fun." Did adults go to zoos without kids? Grant had to have been in elementary school when I took him last. A zoo? Okay. "But I need you to help me shower first."

"If I help you shower," he teased, snaking his hand under my shirt. "Then we'll never get out of here."

He was right. Just the thought of his hands rubbing over my wet breasts, oh shit. I shook the thought out of my head and walked over to the cabinet, pulling out a plastic bag.

I showered quickly, climbing right back out and he wrapped a towel around me before climbing in himself. Then I went back to my room, rifling through my drawers while he showered. What did one wear to a zoo?

Ah... My leopard print bra and panties practically jumped out at me. Why not dress for the occasion, I laughed to myself, shrugging them on. Then I shimmied on my cutoff jean shorts while walking towards my closest, catching Gavin's eyes as he toweled off.

"Holy fuck Sadie, I'm trying to get us out of this house," he groaned, eyes locked on my bra.

"We are going to a zoo," I giggled, waving over the leopard print. "Plus, the bra matches my panties." I gave him a cheesy wink before pulling a white tank from my closet.

"Are you ser... No," he shook his head, pointing to the white tank.

"Relax, it's not see through. Only you'll know what's underneath."

He flipped his suitcase open, grabbing out some shorts and a shirt and I couldn't help but stop and stare as he threw his towel to the ground, flexing his body while he bent over, stepping into his boxers and his shorts. Oh... maybe we stay in today.

Then he tugged his shirt on, or rather his sleeveless black muscle tee. Now it was my turn to protest. There was no way he was wearing that. His biceps looked even bigger and his tattoos stood out against the black of the shirt. No! He looked too hot and as if hearing my thoughts he walked over to the dresser, reaching for his sunglasses and sliding them on. Damn... "Ready baby?"

Incidental Fate Book 1Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora