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It was a slow morning at the hospital, luckily only minor injuries and illnesses. I don't think I could have emotionally dealt with anything life shattering today.

"Sadie," Debbie called from the charting station. "Patient in E7 is requesting you, acute stomach pain, Jenny has his chart. Maybe one of your frequent fliers," she shrugged.

"I'll go check it out." I didn't really have many regulars, aside from a few elderly that admitted themselves every other week. What if it was Grant? But he would have called me, wouldn't he have.

I weaved through the gurney filled halls quickly, running into Jenny outside E7.

"Sorry Sadie, he was adamant and he's pretty hard to say not to." My heart stopped, thinking it might be Grant. I peeked into the open door behind her. "Patient has acute stomach pain..."

"Yeah, yeah I got it," I grumbled, grabbing the chart from her. "Let me assess him."

"Oh, okay," she shrugged as she went off to her next room.

"Unbelievable, please tell me you're actually sick," I snapped, closing the door behind us.

"I needed to talk to you! You won't give me your number, what else am I supposed to do after how ridiculous you were acting."

"Ridiculous?! Ridiculous is showing up to the ER when you're perfectly healthy. You're wasting valuable resources."

"I need to talk with you. Give me five minutes and you can let that other nurse discharge me."

"I will give you five minutes as I assess you."

"Assess me huh? Here goes. I can't get you out of my fucking head, I'm not done seeing you and you're being selfish."

"Shhh," I shushed him instinctively as I turned to make sure the door was completely shut.

"I want more of you Sadie," he whispered, stretching his fingers out to my arm. "I won't give up without a fight."

His fingers traced up my arm to my neck and I didn't want him to stop, but this was not the time, nor the place.

"I can tell you're into me too," he grinned. "Might I remind you of the ice cream cone." He stuck his tongue out playfully licking his lips and I felt my body's immediate reaction. I was into him.

"I can't do whatever this is. You're out with all kinds of girls...."

"You're jealous?" He chuckled as his hands moved down my neck and over my chest. "Trust me, there's only one girl I think about fucking and that's you. I already told you I wouldn't talk with other girls."

"Not here, this isn't the place. I'll be home around 8 and we can talk then," I sighed. "Now you need to get the hell out of my ER!"

"I'm feeling much better," he grinned animatedly.

"And for future reference Mr.Romano, never come to my ER again!"

"You know since we're here, I think I could use a little treatment," he teased as he laid back down on the bed.

I cringed as I shook my head no, "Someone has puked, died, bled, and gave birth on that bed and those sheets."

"Oh god," he wailed, jumping off of it and I couldn't help but laugh.

"You can erase that whole nurse in the hospital room fantasy," I snickered as I walked out of the room.

I passed Jenny in the hallway as I left, "Discharge him, frequent flyer, acute stomach pain is gone."

"Too bad, he's cute, wouldn't have minded running a test or two on him," she laughed.

"Jenny!" I handed her the chart before ripping back down the hall towards the nurses station.

I bet he got hit on all the time. My mind started wandering to him and Jenny. Did he find her attractive too? She was closer to his age and pretty, I guess.

"Sadie," Kirk called as he leaned against the nurses station. "Busy morning?"

"Not yet, but it'll be rush hour soon enough."

"You up for coffee later?"

I saw Debbie smirking behind him as he asked. By noon everyone would be making a big deal out of this.

"Sure," I shrugged politely, scooting over instinctively as I heard footsteps approaching.

The footsteps stopped behind me, drawing Kirk and Debbie's attention. I turned to see Gavin standing there, his lips hard pressed as he appraised Kirk.

"Okay, then I'll grab you later," Kirk said, looking between all of us before scuffling away.

"Can I help you Mr. Romano?" I said, casting my gaze to Debbie so he wouldn't say anything incriminating.

"Nope, just enjoying some hypocrisy. I've been discharged." He spat as he stormed past the nurses station.

I could feel Debbie's eyes on me and I knew once again this would be news by noon.

"What was that about?" She sighed.

"I'm not sure, you know some of these patients have their issues."

"Was he the one that requested you?"

"Yes, he goes to the university with my son."

"Why are the gorgeous ones always mental?" She chuckled.

I shrugged with a half ass laugh then continued on to my rounds. It was going to be a long day.

Incidental Fate Book 1Where stories live. Discover now