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I led him towards my car, weaving through the parking lot lost in thought while I kept replaying him saying 'I love you' in my head.

I knew he loved me, this wasn't passion speaking and I knew I loved him too. I'd tried keeping him away, keeping up these walls to protect myself from anymore pain but I did love him and he deserved to know.

He walked me over to the passenger door, pulling it open before dropping my hand so I could get in but I grabbed his hand back into mine, pulling him towards me. "I love you too Gavin."

His arms flew around me, pulling me into him so deep that my face was buried against him and I felt him kiss the top of my head before releasing me.

We got in the car, immediately grabbing the other's hand as we pulled out of the parking lot.

"Were you scared today?" He mumbled under his breath.

"Let's talk about it when we get home. I just need a little peace right now." I squeezed his hand, then turned my face towards the window.

Of course I was scared, but I needed him to calm down. He was still so shaky and I didn't want to upset him while he was driving.

"My neighbor's house is for sale." I pointed to the sign as we pulled into my driveway and he looked over but didn't respond.

He slammed the car into park, jumping right out and racing for my door, arms out to help me. Then he disarmed the door, pushing it open but holding me back from entering, "Let me make sure it's safe first."

I followed in behind him, seeing some picture frames on the ground at the entry and a broken wine bottle splattered across the kitchen tile. The rest of the house seemed okay beyond a messy floor.

He picked the frames off the ground, luckily the glass was still in tact and then he insisted on sweeping up the remains of the emptied wine bottle.

I had finished that bottle last night and stupidly left it on the edge of the counter.

"I need to take a shower," he groaned. "I need to calm down for a minute. Do you need anything before I go?"

"I need to take one too." Rinse today away.

"Not with that," he huffed, pointing to the splint.

"I can do a bath or I can put a bag over it and re-wrap when I get out."

"I don't think that's a good idea." He rubbed his hands through his wild hair while his tired red eyes stayed on mine.

"You can either help me or I can do it alone," I shrugged. "I need to get all of today off of me."

"Fine," he bellowed, rolling his eyes before stalking off into the bathroom.

Then I heard the bath tub faucets running and I started towards him but he was back out in a second, helping me as if I had a broken leg instead of a sprained arm.

"I need you to help me take the splint and wrap off so I can get my tops off."

He was getting agitated again, rubbing his hand through his hair aggressively as he paced. "I think you should leave it on."

"It's okay Gavin, I'm a nurse," I assured him, holding my arm out. "Please."

I used my right hand to hold the splint steady as he released the latches and pulled the binding apart. Then I tossed it to the bed before unwinding the heavy wrap, exposing the horribly bruised skin.

Gavin eyes shot to the bruises, immediately widening, turning black, and then he was gone, storming out of the bedroom. "Fuck!"

"Can you grab me some ibuprofen while you're out there and some water."

I heard him huffing and puffing before returning with an outstretched hand holding the pills. "Are they sure that's not broken? I mean Jesus Christ, that looks horrible."

"Just sprained and bruised," I shrugged.

"I'm so sorry," he sighed. "Fuck, I'm so sorry baby."

I raised my arms slowly, gesturing for him to remove my first top. "Careful, please."

His shaky fingers gripped the hem, slowly pulling my scrub top up and over me. Then he gripped the shirt underneath and did the same.

Suddenly his lips were on mine, kissing me softly and I lowered my arms, reaching my good hand down to loosen my bottoms. But his hand grabbed mine away and he took over, sliding my pants down.

"God, I love you so fucking much," he reached his hands behind me, unclasping my bra before sliding the straps over my shoulders, trailing the path with his kisses. Then he bent down, hooking his fingers over my panties and pulling them down as his fingers drug against my skin.

"Gavin, I need you...." I reached my good hand to his hair, pulling through the strands.

"Not without that thing bracing your arm," he breathed against my chest, kissing my nipples on his way back up to my lips.

We'd been apart too long and every touch from him sent me into overdrive.

He dropped his hand to mine, leading me to the drawn bath.

"What about you?" I didn't want to let him go, I needed him.

"You need to relax baby."

"I relax better with you." I stretched my fingers to the hem of his shirt. "Plus it'll be a little tricky to do anything one handed. I'll probably need your hands to assist."

"Fine." He pulled his shirt over his head before kicking off his pants. God, I had missed seeing his strong body.

He stepped into the bath first, reaching his hand out to help me in and we both sank down. I squeezed in between his legs, lying back against his chest while keeping my arm up safely on the ledge.

"This okay?" He whispered against me as he nestled his face over my shoulder and wrapping his arms around me, his fingers already inching their way to my breasts.

"Gavin," I whispered back up to him. "How did you get here today?"

Incidental Fate Book 1Where stories live. Discover now