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"We'll have to walk to my car." Gavin held the door open, waiting on me. "It's still at the bar."

"I can drive," I offered, already grabbing my keys off the hook, but he was shaking his head.

"I'll drive!" he insisted, waving me back towards my room. "Grab something to put your hair up with before we go."



I walked back to the bathroom, throwing my hair up into a ponytail before walking back out, meeting his mischievous stare. "What?" I instinctively threw my hand up to my hair, smoothing it back.

"You're fucking cute."

"Oh jeez, let's go." I shoved him out the door, following his lead down the sidewalk, trying to keep my distance, scanning around us, watching for any sign of Grant.

He finally stopped, stepping to the out-of-place sports car parked amid the scruffier, older cars. "This is me." He nodded over, pulling the passenger door open, gesturing for me to get in as he rounded the car to the driver's side, dropping in and simultaneously lowering the roof. Then the engine roared to life, and he grabbed a pair of sunglasses from the console, sliding them on, twisting his face to mine. "Where to?" He hit the gas, barreling down the street.

He was so damn hot, and it wasn't the thrill or pleasure talking-this man could have any woman he wanted. "I don't know. I'm still kind of new here," I yelled back, grabbing for my ponytail that was whipping in the wind.

He zipped onto the highway, one hand dropping from his steering wheel, falling to my thigh-paralyzing it. It... it felt good to be touched, like this. Actually, it felt good to be touched, period... we should head back to my place for one more round. Too late. I took a deep breath, turning my focus back onto the drive, pushing my dirty thoughts aside.

We drove towards the ocean, veering into a quaint beachfront shopping center, straight to the valet stand. Gavin darted out his door, circling to mine to open it for me.

"You don't have to do that, you know," I teased. "I'd sleep with you regardless of your chivalry."

He chuckled. Good to know. But, I'm not a fucking chump."

He took my hand in his, my arm immediately recoiling, pulling away. There were way too many people here for any kind of affection, and I didn't need anyone staring.

We walked into the plaza, his eyes roaming. "There's a store here I wanna show you."

"Really?" I could only imagine, probably a sex toy or cannabis store.

We weaved through a maze of little souvenir and art shops before he stopped us in front of a plain brown door, adorned with a small hanging sign, 'Left Loft'.

"What is this?" I asked as he pushed the door open.

"Everything in here is for lefties." He flicked his wrist towards the displays and products lining the shelves-all specially made for left-handers. For me!

"Wait! How did you know I was left-handed?" No one ever noticed that about me.

His lips stretched into a sneaky smile. "When you were gardening, when you were drinking, when we were in the shower."

"Oh." I felt the heat in my cheeks, then saw the flashes from this morning. I needed to distract myself! I grabbed a basket, filling it with everything I never knew I needed.

"I'll pay," he insisted, reaching into his pocket. "Shit, I don't have my wallet!"

"How convenient." I rolled my eyes to tease him as I pulled out my credit card and handed it to the cashier. "So, what's next?"

Incidental Fate Book 1Where stories live. Discover now