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"Hey, I have to go," I whispered to a still sleeping Gavin. "Wake up."

His eyes fluttered open, smiling as he took me in. "I have to leave!" I emphasized, shoving him playfully.

"Okay, okay." He threw the comforter off and I looked away. If I saw what was underneath those blankets then I definitely would be late for work. "Are you sure you don't have a minute, maybe two," he teased.

"Nope!" I called back, practically running out of the room. I had no willpower to say no to him, that was evident after our marathon of events last night. I poured some coffee in my thermos and hung by the door waiting.

He finally stalked out, looking so damn sexy with his wild sleep hair and scruffy face. Look away Sadie, look away.

"Let's go," I called, pulling the door open. "I'll see you tomorrow, have fun with your sister."

"What about tonight?" His face scrunched up making me want to kiss him again.

"I need a good night's rest tonight, you and I don't rest," I laughed, pushing up on my top toes to kiss him.

"See you tomorrow," he huffed, blowing me a kiss as he walked to his car.

I threw my bag and coffee in my car, hoping I wouldn't be late, again. Luckily I hardly ever hit traffic at this hour.

"Good morning Sadie."

"Morning Debbie," I waved, rushing past the station to put my bag away. "Busy night?"

"Same ole, same ole," she yawned. "But I'm ready to head home."

I remembered those night shifts all too well. "Hey," I stopped, turning back to her. "Am I on the schedule for Valentine's Day?"

"Let me see." She clicked the computer mouse a few times. "Yup."

"Are you working the night shift?" I asked as she looked back at her screen.

"Sure am."

"Want to switch shifts? I'll cover your night shift if you can swing my day shift."

"Let me look at my Friday schedule. I'm off. Sure. Why? Big plans?"

"No," I lied. "My son wants to hang out." Jeez, that was an awful lie.

"I'll change it in the system right now."


Now I needed to hurry and get myself situated. I stored my bag and headed for my station, grabbing my work phone and setting my coffee down.

"Well look who it is?" May's toothy smile was stretched ear to ear. I quickly looked around to make sure there were no eavesdroppers. "So why am I calling you and hanging up?"

Ugh. I'd already forgotten about that. I did need to get all of this off my chest and if any of my friends would be accepting of Gavin, it would be her. Heck, she had already met him and didn't once mention our age difference. "I....I... needed an excuse to get out of a date with Mike and then an excuse to leave Grant."

"You're still with Mike? After Vegas?"

"No, I. Ugh, come on." I pulled her over to the far corner of the room. "Mike is Grant's girlfriend's dad."


"And Grant really wants us together."

"I get it now. But you obviously aren't into him anymore, so you're having me bail you out," she chuckled.

"I don't think I was ever into him," I admitted.

"And," she paused, looking me over, "there's more, I can tell."

"I've been. I've been seeing someone else."


I took a deep inhale, willing myself to tell her, "Gavin."

"Gavin? GAVIN! Hot Vegas Gavin!" She could hardly contain her surprise.


"Isn't he from New York?"

"Yes, he's um here with his sister and goes back to New York this weekend." I wasn't technically lying and I wasn't ready to reveal everything yet. I liked May and we were very close but I needed to make sure that she wouldn't tell anyone.

"Oh damn!" She squealed, jumping up and down.

I put my hands on her shoulders to stop her, "but no one knows! No one! And it needs to stay that way. Promise me you won't tell a soul."

"I won't, you can trust me," she smiled. "Grant and Mike don't know?"

"No one!"

"Oh, this is juicy! Is Gavin still hot? You know now that you're sober and out of the Vegas trance?" She giggled.

"You have no idea," I moaned.

"And you're definitely getting some, I can tell that too," she giggled.

"He's amazing- in all aspects," I boasted. "He's just a tad, um a tad younger."

"I knew he had to be in his late 20's, but you go girl!" She nudged me with a wink.

Late twenties, nope, how about early twenties and still a student. No, that truth was too much for today. "But I've got to get back and get my rounds started."

"I have so many questions!" She begged, grabbing at my arm.

"Later! I promise!"

I felt a huge wave of relief flood over me. Somebody knew about Gavin and I and there was no judgement.

I pulled out my phone to text him quickly about Valentines Day:
'Have Valentine's Day off, but work that night.'

He replied right away:
'I don't get to spend Valentine's night with you?'

And I responded back:
'It was either go out at 8pm or go out until 7pm. The Day can be just as fun....'

I tucked my phone back away and started my shift. Tomorrow I would be on a train with Gavin, out of San Diego and free to be a couple, without me having to look over my shoulder.

Incidental Fate Book 1Where stories live. Discover now