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Shit. Even with the distance I could see Gavin huffing in anger and I tried to swerve out of Ethan's grip but ended up just bumping into Tim as I averted my eyes from Gavin.

What was he doing here? This was crossing a line right? There was a fine line between romantic gesture and stalker.

What would he do now? Would he make a scene? What would May and the girls think. I flashed my eyes quickly back over to him.

He was just staring, his anger had faded and he almost looked sad.

Then a group of girls walked past him, all looking at him with their flirty faces and he smiled back then pushed off from the wall and walked right past our group without saying a word.

I watched him cross through the slot machines, heading away from us. My heart sinking as I watched him leave. I had fucked up.

"I'm going to run to the ladies room," I yelled to the group, taking off before anyone could offer to join me.

I followed his path as best I could being drunk and in heels. "Gavin!" I yelled once I was out of sight from the group and I could see him up in front of me now, "Gavin!"

He slowed, turning around to face me.

"What are you doing here?" I grabbed onto his arm for support, trying to steady my breathing.

"I'm fucking leaving, that's what I'm doing here," he groaned. "I've been waiting around this hotel for you for hours."


He met my eyes then his eyes flashed down to my dress. "Damn. You look hot as hell."

"What are you doing here?" I repeated slowly.

"I don't know." He raised his face toward the ceiling then rolled it back down to face me. "I started driving and this is where I ended up."

I looked up at him, his usual clothes replaced with a slick navy dress shirt and dark pressed jeans. "Dressed up?"

"Fuck. All I could think about was you in that red fucking dress and this happening, random dudes draped all over you!"

"You can't just do that, driving all the way here because you're jealous. That's crazy!"

"I know, fuck, you don't think I know that. I don't know what the fuck you've done to me. But I get it now, this, them, that's what you want."

"Excuse me?"

"I'm trying so hard to be enough for you, but you don't fucking want me. You want them." He gestured out randomly to the casino floor.

"That's not true!" I grabbed his hand in mine. "I want you, they're just, whatever."

"You hung up on me, then I see you laughing with his hand on your back."

"I shouldn't have done that, but you shouldn't be here."

"So I wouldn't see the real shit you're doing? Eating and shopping my ass."

"No, it's just." I looked up into his dark eyes, meeting the twinkle that shone even when he wasn't smiling.

I threw my hands to his face, grasping his cheeks and pulling him towards me, smacking his lips against mine.

He was sloppy, kissing me too fast, too hard, his tongue storming my mouth, whipping around crazily as his arms swung around my back.

"Stop.." He pulled away, his dark eyes boring into mine. "I can't handle this mind fuck right now. I know as soon as I go up to my room that you're going to go right back into the lion's den. Then I'm going to sit up there knowing you're piss drunk down here with god knows whose fucking hands on you." He dropped his arms from my back, sliding his hand to his temple and rubbing roughly.

"You have a room here?"

"Of course! I wasn't just going to hang around all night. I was about to go upstairs when you finally returned my text."

All day I had dreamed of what it would be like to have him here and now here he was. He looked so incredibly sexy too and I wanted nothing more than to wrap my legs around him. I didn't want him to go upstairs.

"Why don't you come hang out with us," I insisted, squeezing his hands tighter in mine. "You just need to do it my way."

"Your way?"

"Go into the bar, then come hit on me, as a stranger."

He grumbled, shaking his head in annoyance. "Why can't you just tell them about us, why do you care so fucking much."

He didn't get it. I'd spent my whole life being labeled and I had just moved here, to a place where I was just Sadie. I didn't need to be labeled as a cougar and I didn't need Grant finding out. I'd spent the last eighteen years trying to make him feel normal, make up for not having a dad. The last thing I needed was for him to become a joke at his school or worse, to be embarrassed because of me.

"I just, please Gavin. They all know Grant and I just don't want to have to do this right now. You know what, fuck this," I huffed, releasing his hands and taking a step back. "This was supposed to be my girls weekend so don't give me hell when you show up unannounced! Either spend tonight with me my way or go upstairs alone."

"Fine," he grumbled, pulling my hands back into his. "I want to be with you, I'll play by your rules."

"Go into the bar and order yourself a drink. I'm going to meet my group." I pushed up in my heels, kissing his soft lips before walking away.

What the hell was I thinking! I would need another round of drinks to handle this.

Incidental Fate Book 1Where stories live. Discover now