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Grant stood there in the bedroom doorway, eyes wide as he looked at me and then to Gavin on top of me and back at me. Shit. Shit. Shit. What was happening.

"Fuck," Gavin sighed, rolling off of me and grabbing the blanket to cover us.

I didn't know what to say. I pulled the blanket even higher over me. It should be the kid getting caught in bed, not the parent.

"What are you doing here Grant," my voice was shaky and barely above a whisper.

"Your alarm company called, it wasn't shut off in time and I had to give them the password. So I thought I'd stop by before I got B. Make sure you were alright."

He looked shaken and continued eyeing us in disbelief.

"You could have called," Gavin huffed meeting Grant's now blazing mad eyes.

"My mom's phone is off," he snapped.

"I'm sorry," it was all I could manage to say. I was mortified, frozen in place, wishing he would just turn around.

"What the hell is going on!" Grant finally screamed. "What the hell is he doing here!"

"Honey, I," I started.

"Oh my god, are you, have you, holy shit. What the hell is wrong with you!" He screamed, throwing his hands up to support his head. "With both of you!"

"We've been seeing each other," Gavin shot back. "We're together."

What was he thinking! My head was suddenly heavy as it sank down, avoiding the glare from Grant. My two realities were colliding and I didn't know where to stand or which Sadie to side with.

"Together?" Grant spat. "That's my mom Gavin! You're disgusting! Get the hell out of here!"

"I'm not going anywhere!" Gavin yelled back, moving his hand to mine but I recoiled quickly.

"So what... you're like a cougar now? You moved to San Diego so you can hit on guys from my school. What the hell is wrong with you mom!"

"Shut the hell up Grant!" Gavin barked.

"Get the hell out of my house Gavin! You're a dick and a creep."

I could feel Gavin tensing up next to me and I needed to diffuse it. "Grant, this is hard to explain."

"You two are naked in your bed. I think I got it."

"Honey, it's," I started as the tears poured down my cheeks.

"Don't call me honey, you're sick! Get him out of your bed mom! What is this some midlife crisis shit!"

Trying to talk to him while holding a blanket over my naked body was pointless and how was I supposed to calm him down with Gavin next to me.

"Can you wait in the living room Grant, I'll be out in a second," I cried with pleading eyes.

"I'm getting the hell out of here! You both are seriously fucked up!"

"Please," I begged.

I had never heard Grant use that word before, his anger was radiating off of him and I wasn't sure how to handle it. He was always a peaceful calm kid, but I guess this was a rare situation.

He huffed and turned out of the room, slamming the door behind him.

"Are you okay?" Gavin's hands were on my back immediately, but his touch felt like ice. I didn't want him comforting me, not with Grant right here.

"I need you to go," I told him with tear filled eyes.

"No! I'm not leaving you here with..."

"With my son. My son who just walked in on his mother in bed with a schoolmate. Jesus, what have I been thinking." I pulled away from Gavin, sliding off the bed to get to the dresser.

"Don't fucking do this, let me help you."

"You can't fucking help me Gavin, you're the problem! And that goddamn alarm," I huffed. "This is wrong, Grant's right. What the hell is wrong with me."

I'd been living in some sexy fairytale with Gavin, totally removed from reality.

"Ten minutes ago you were telling me you loved me and now you don't know what the hell's wrong with you?" He scoffed, climbing out of the other side of the bed and grabbing his clothes off the floor.

"You don't understand, you don't have kids. Grant is my everything and now he thinks I'm, oh god, what he must think."

"So let him think it. Why are you so fucking ashamed? He's young, he'll get over it."

"He's not going to get over this Gavin! You don't walk in on your mom having sex with your friend and just get over it."

"He's not my friend," he spat.

"Not helping!" I pulled a sweater over my head and slid some leggings on.

"I've gone through much worse and got over it," he threw his shirt on, staring right at me. "Don't do anything stupid right now Sadie."

"Stupid? I passed stupid a long time ago. I need you to leave Gavin. Let me handle this, please."

"I can't even fucking believe that this is how our Valentine's ends."

"I have to fix this, please make this easier on me."

"You don't need to fix that by breaking this," he pleaded.

"This was always broken Gavin." The tears were heavier now, and I tried to swipe them away but there were too many, too fast.

He walked toward me and I didn't have the energy to stop him as his arms wrapped around me, holding me tightly, while he whispered, "I love you."

I knew what he wanted from me, the words he needed to hear. But they felt too distant.

"Gavin, please leave. Every second in here is a second that I don't have with Grant, trying to explain all this."

He didn't say anything more. His arms dropped from around me and he stalked out the door. A few seconds later I heard the front door slam.

Goodbye Gavin.

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