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"San Juan Cap, this is us," Gavin called, wrapping his hand in mine and pulling me up to disembark.

We stepped off the train, meeting a dirt path, complete with rustic wooden signs for antique stores. It felt like I had landed in one of those hidden gems I'd always read about. And I was getting really excited. "What first?"

"The mission?" He shrugged as he slid his aviator glasses back on, making me do a double take. Damn, he looked good and he looked older under the guise of those sunglasses.

Today was going to be a good day. "Sure."

The mission was only a block over from the depot and Gavin paid for our tickets, just as he had for the train.

"You know I can pay for stuff too," I nudged him as we entered the blooming garden.

"I'm not gonna let my girl pay."

I couldn't see his eyes but I knew he was rolling them. "You'd don't even have a job," I laughed back. "Oh look at this!" I walked past an open door to an ornate chapel, stopping right outside to read the plaque.

"Who said I didn't have a job?" He chuckled softly, draping his arm across my back.

"When do you work?" I whispered back before we started down the aisle of the stone chapel.

"Every day."

Every day? I hadn't seen him work once.

We reached the front of the chapel where a votive candle rack was set-up. "Do you want to light a candle?" I asked, already reaching for one of the small tea lights. But he just stared at the rack for a minute before dropping his hold of me and abruptly walking right back out to the exit.

"Gavin..." I scurried up behind him, grabbing his arm. "What's going on?"

He slowly wheeled around to face me, his expression unreadable. "Nothing, I'm fine." He leaned down, kissing my forehead and leading me towards a large koi pond fountain.

"I could spend all day here," I smiled, pulling him down onto the bench before crawling over his lap.

"Oh really.." He teased, sending both hands sliding up my thighs.

"The mission," I laughed. "But I guess I could spend all day on your lap too." Most days I already did.

"I like seeing you like this."

"On top of you?"

"No," he chuckled. "Really happy. Excited."

"I'm mostly always happy and you see me excited quite a bit," I twisted my face back to his, laughing up at him.

"I know, I like it." He lowered his face, smacking my forehead with a kiss.

We toured the rest of the grounds before finally exiting through the gift shop.

"Do you like these?" Gavin called over, sifting through some necklaces.


"I don't know," he shrugged. "Something to remember this day with. Isn't that what chicks do?"

"Are you going to make me buy it?" I teased. "Like on our first date?"

"Fuck." He rolled his eyes, scoffing under his breath. "I'm never going to live that down."

I looked back at the necklaces he was holding. "The bird one is pretty."

"That's a swallow!"

A sales lady swung around, correcting and explaining the necklace. "They return home here every year, during the miracle of the swallows. For almost a hundred years they've flown away, then always flown back. No matter how far they go, they always come back home."

"That's beautiful." I lifted the necklace in my hand, tracing the delicate bird. "I love it."

Then Gavin grabbed it from my hand, handing it right to the lady to ring up. "Turn around," he instructed once she handed it back, and he unclasped the necklace, draping it around my neck. "Looks good."

I walked over to a little mirror hanging on the wall, admiring how perfect it looked and Gavin walked up behind me, lowering his face to the crook of my neck, smiling at our reflections.

"No matter how far apart we are, I hope you always come home to me."

I was suddenly speechless, surprised by his sentiment. It reminded me of his speech in Vegas, about love at first sight. I smiled back at him through the mirror before taking his hand in mine and walking out.

"Now what?" I looked around the quaint city, still smiling.

"Food or antiques?"

"You're already walking next to an antique," I laughed and he shook his head, rolling his eyes yet chuckling under his breath.

"Very funny!" He grabbed me by the waist, whirling me around, pressing my back against a brick wall, and pushing his lips to mine. "How about a late lunch, early dinner?"

"I am starving.." I gave him my best cheesy wink and he released me, guiding me across the street where he put his name on the list at a fancy looking restaurant right next to the depot.

"Romano," the hostess called out almost immediately, walking us to a small table overlooking the tracks.

"Thanks for today." I pulled his hand to my lips, kissing it. "I had a lot of fun."

"We can hop on the train after this and head home," he growled, that devilish grin lighting up his face. "For more fun."

"I'd like nothing more."

"Can I take your order?"

Our waitress appeared out of nowhere and I grabbed up the menu, handing it up to her. "I'll have an iced tea and the caesar salad."

"And you sir?"

"Do you have spaghetti?" He asked, running his tongue along his lips seductively as he flashed his eyes over to mine and I almost choked from laughing so hard. "Or ice cream?"

"Sorry sir, we don't."

"Probably safer that way." He winked at me before handing her his menu. "I'll take the steak salad instead."

The poor confused waitress gave him an odd stare then a quick smile before leaving.

"You think you're funny," I laughed, kicking his foot under the table.

"Do you think you'll be able to control yourself while I eat my steak salad? Do you think lettuce is sexy?"

"Shut up," I giggled, just as a train roared into the station next to us.

We attempted to eat our food without laughing, but were failing miserably and he finally gave up, dropping his fork to his plate. "The next train should be here soon, you ready baby?"

"Oh yeah.." I was more than ready.

He threw some cash into the bill binder, then reached for my hand. "I need to go get our tickets."

"And I need to use the restroom. I'll just meet you back here," I instructed and he gave me a quick kiss before we parted ways.

I washed my hands and adjusted my new necklace in the mirror before walking back out to wait for him at the depot.


I turned around with a smile, stopping dead in my tracks. "What... What are you doing here Mike?"

Incidental Fate Book 1Where stories live. Discover now