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Grant and Mike gave us a wave as we descended the brick stairway. I searched around them but Gavin and Dan were gone.

A weird mix of relief and anger swept through me. How dare he leave after what we just did and also thank god he left after what we just did.

"Your friends left," I casually mentioned to Grant hoping for a little explanation.

"Yeah," he shrugged, with his eyes on Berkeley. "You two want to finish the day with us?" He called loudly to Mike and B.

"Of course!" She grinned in return.

Here I was finally getting a day with Grant and he couldn't even give me all his attention. But then again I wasn't giving him all mine either.

Grant and B partnered off while Mike and I trailed right behind them. I wasn't sure if he knew they were seeing each other so I decided to skip that parenting talk.

"Do you live around here?" I knew the answer was probably no considering B's reaction about him staying with her.

"LA. I'm a lawyer up in Brentwood."

A lawyer? I looked at him once more, he was clean shaven, light eyes, graying brown hair, and very handsome. He seemed too kind and upbeat to be a lawyer, but then again I didn't know any lawyers other than celebrity and actor ones.

"What about you?"

"I'm a nurse."

His grin immediately widened. What was up with guys and their reactions to nurses. It's like they had this sexually romanticized vision of a nurse when in reality it was a stressful, messy, emotionally straining albeit rewarding day to day job. There was nothing sexy about it at all.

"That's wonderful. Maybe on my next visit we could get together, grab dinner or something."

How was I supposed to answer that, sorry I'm fucking a jealous school boy sounded a little vulgar and disturbing. Or I'm sleeping with that guy you just met, yes he's a student here, but he's 22.

Maybe I could just have dinner, in the long run he was probably a better match than Gavin. I wonder if he'd be as good in bed. Would he make me orgasm or would he get off and then call it a night.

But there was more to Gavin then just the amazing sex. He was funny and fun and knew how to make me smile. Damnit now I was missing him.

"That'd be nice," I smiled back politely.

I looked around, hoping Gavin could see us. His reaction to getting jealous was to have crazy sex and I didn't mind that one bit.

I turned to see Mike's eyes on me instead. "What are you thinking about?" He mused.

You don't want to know. "How detailed the architecture is here."

"Oh yeah did you see the columns at the library?"

"Mhhm," I nodded, trying to push Gavin and his naked body out of my thoughts.

Our large parade of parents passed through another open space filled with tables and greenery. I immediately saw Gavin with a group of guys and girls sitting on top and around a table. He was scanning our group and his smile turned to a hard line when his eyes hit mine, then Mike's right next to me.

He turned back to his table and pulled his shirt off. Just like that, his hard abs were shining under the bright sun. What the hell was he doing! One of the girls hopped up, pointing to one of the tattoos on his bicep.

I had never really cared about ink, it was like a staple on Arizona guys. But now seeing him from a distance with tattoos up his bicep made my body start to churn.

The stupid girl next to him ran her finger around the ink and I tried to squint to make out what the image was. Why was he even letting her touch him.

He sat down at the bench and pressed himself back against the table, folding his arms behind his head as he laughed with his buddies. Every muscle he had was flexed in this position.

I tried to look away, tried to be distracted, tried to look at Mike's dad bod, but I couldn't.

I wanted to push my way over to him and straddle him right there on the bench.

And I wasn't the only one thinking that either gauging the looks of the girls next to him and a few of the moms around me. He stood out in the sea of students like a sore thumb.

I knew his eyes were on me, I could feel Mike's on me as well. So I did what any mature woman would do. I dropped my bag and slowly and as sexily as I could, bent over in my high heels in a very unladylike way to pick it back up.

I was too old for games, at least that's what I used to think. Right now, this game was rather fun.

Incidental Fate Book 1Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora