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"Did you have fun today?" Gavin smiled, pulling the passenger door open for me. "I mean besides hurting your arm?"

"Oh that was still fun," I winked. It was nearly sunset and the day had gone smoothly, no, better than smoothly, we had had fun.

"Are you staying over tonight?" I asked as we pulled out of the parking structure.

"I don't think I can, I mean I really," he paused, sliding down the strap of my shirt, "really fucking want to but I've got a paper due for my first class tomorrow. And I know I won't get shit done if you're next to me."

Paper. Class. It hit me like a punch to the gut. I had all but blocked out Gavin being a student and here I was leaving the flipping zoo with him.

"But I can stay over, if that's what you want," he shrugged playfully.

"No, no that's fine. I'm actually wiped out from all the walking today." I lied, trying to sound sincere.

He would be graduating soon, god, even that sounded bad. I looked over at him as his hand wrapped in mine. This man flew home just yesterday to get to me, to make sure I was okay. I needed to get over this age stuff. He deserved all of me.

I leaned over, placing a soft kiss on his cheek as he drove.

"You know," he smiled, "I was thinking we should get a room on Friday night since you work Saturday night."

"I don't know if I'm working Friday."

"Doesn't matter, we'd still have the night together."

"Okay," I smiled back to him. "I'll talk to Debbie and see what they want me working this week."

I grabbed my phone out, sending Debbie a quick text as we pulled into my driveway.

Gavin leaned over for a kiss, keeping the engine on. "You're not coming in at all?" I whined.

"If I go in, I won't come out," he grinned.

"Fair enough. Goodnight Gavin," I blew him a kiss, hopping out of the car as my lover took off to go write a paper for school, Jesus Christ Sadie.

My legs were actually tired from all the walking and my arm was still sore, so I poured a glass of wine and ran myself a bath.

I sank into the tub, feeling the emptiness without Gavin in here with me. He was so good at taking care of me. I needed to do something for him.

I needed to up my game and please him the way he always pleased me. Tomorrow I would go get some sexy lingerie, that would be a start at least.

A loud banging startled me out of my thoughts. "Sadie," Gavin's voice called out.

"Gavin?" I yelled back as he stormed into the bathroom, eyeing me in the tub.

"Your front door's not even locked and your fucking naked in here, come on Sadie," he huffed. "What if it wasn't me coming in?"

"But it was," I shrugged playfully. "Why are you here?"

"You left your phone in my car, Debbie was messaging you."

"Oh, sorry about that. Can you just set it on the counter please," I smiled taking a sip of my wine as the water waved around my curves.

He tossed it onto the counter, "Okay, I'm gonna go now."

"Thanks, make sure you lock the door on your way out," I teased, letting my fingers swirl the water over my stomach.

"See this is what I was fucking talking about, if I come in there's no way I'm coming out," he groaned. "How am I supposed to leave with your wet tits right in my face."

I could feel my breasts perking as the thought of Gavin staying filled my head and my fingers instinctively ran over them.

"Is this what you do when I'm not around?" He mused, watching as I caressed my nipples.

"Sometimes," I teased, "usually I have two hands." I waved my splint a bit as it hung over the ledge.

"And what would you do with the other?"

"Wouldn't you like to know."

"That's it!" He sprang over, reaching for me in the tub. I took his hand as he pulled me out then threw my naked body up in his arms, cradling me out to the bedroom.

"Where are we going?" I half laughed, half protested.

"To the carpet."

"What? Take me to the bed!"

"You'll get it wet," he chided as he laid me down on the floor.

"It's too hard," I complained.

"Always too hard for you baby."

I giggled as he ripped his shirt over his head and yanked his pants off. "Touch your tits baby."

I danced my fingers up my breasts, running them over my nipples and squeezing my breasts together.

He spread my thighs apart, pushing his length into me and lowering his mouth onto the breast I was holding for him. "Fuck," he moaned quickly as I felt him release into me, and collapse. "Ugh, I'm sorry baby."

"For what? It's fine."

"You touching yourself And that image of you in the bath. It was too much for me," he groaned.

"Good to know," I smiled. "Now do you think you'll be able to go home and concentrate on your paper?"

"Yeah," he smiled. "But follow me out and lock your door. Just give me a little peace of mind baby."

He helped me up and I walked him to the door, hiding behind it as he walked out, "Goodnight again Gavin."

Incidental Fate Book 1Where stories live. Discover now