S.1 E.12 ~ Murphy's Law (Ch. 88)

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"Well, what are we gonna do when we find him?" Doc whispered the question lowly since we didn't know if we were close to the enemy or not.

What are we going to do? They have more ammo than us. 10K may be able to snipe them, but then again, he'll run out of ammo quicker than them. They'll wreck our world in seconds, especially if the sharp shooter can't get a good shot on them.

Or worse, kill Murphy with one of the many bullets they have. A familiar ugly color caught the attention of my right eye. I veered away from the group and jogged over to the nearby log that we would've just walked by if I hadn't noticed what the log had laying on it.

"Check this out." I called out for my people as I lifted up the ugly, rotting jacket with my hand.

I turned around on my heel to face the people, show them my finding.

"You think he left it on purpose?" I spoke the thought out loud to them.

So, Murphy does want us to find him.

"He must've." Doc answered, looking at the jacket in my grasp.

"He definitely didn't go willingly." Warren reassured our thoughts about Murphy wanting to leave us with the dead as she was bent over a scuffle of dirt.

She had walked over to where we were heading, investigating the small prints of shoe designs. To me, the scuffle would look like animal and human prints mixed together, but to her military mind, she had already made a whole movie play in her head.

"We better step it up." Warren explained the situation very shortly, but it was enough to warn us about how much danger Murphy really was in.

The dark skinned woman, who was beginning to actually worry more than before, started back onto the trail.

"I knew she was gonna say that." Doc groaned out loud, not wanting to save a man who was never willing to save one of us, "Damn it."

Plus, his old bones were exhausted already from today's extravagant workout.

Five to ten minutes into this pain-in-the-ass journey, one of us stepped on a weak, fallen branch in the middle of the road. This triggered the moaning and groaning ahead of us. We all froze for a moment, bringing our weapons closer to our forms.

We crouched down to avoid being spotted, or even heard more than what we already were. Warren led us deeper into the woods, off of the trail, to get away from the path filled with wandering Zs.

"What is that?" Doc asked, making everyone focus on him and what he was staring at.

Warren straightened her back out, deeming it safe to do so. Doc stood right beside her on her left, bringing out the the binoculars to hook around his neck.

"Looks like some kind of warehouse." Warren identified the structure as Cassandra got on Doc's left.

10K got beside the wounded soldier and I moved to stay on the left of him. My view consisted of a large white warehouse with small edifices surroundings it's area and a tall metallic fence around the whole perimeter.

The hill we were on was a perfect view to look around the whole area without being spotted from anyone below on the flat surface. Inside the fence with barbwire swirling around the top of it looked to be like fast running blurs--of what I could only guess--was Zs.

"Those are some fast Zs." I commented, watching in amazement at how fast the undead was traveling; not remembering any Zs like it.

Let's hope they stay inside that fence. I couldn't even imagine running away from that kind of zombie.

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