ElvenSweetiePie143's Performance

163 13 12

In the Song Cover category, ElvenSweetiePie143 performs "Someone You Loved" by Lewis Capaldi!

Karaoke track credit to YouTube user Sing2Piano.

Interview Questions:

Why did you choose to cover this song?

Because this song reflects much of my feelings and what I have been going through. I like that Lewis Capaldi sorta made this song in a way that you can contextualize it to your fit, in a way you can relate to the words. The lines, "It's easy to say, but it's never the same" and "And you're not here to get me through it all" really hit hard for me.

What does music mean to you?

Everybody's got some form of art to express themselves, whether be it drawing, painting, dancing, writing, or even cooking and photography. Mine is singing and songwriting. I use music to express myself, feelings I could never tell anyone boldly. Music adds more color and depth to life, and brings people together.

What do you love about performing?

Everything. The days or weeks of rehearsals, when you can't sleep the night before the performance because of excitement, the nervousness before you get on stage, the eyes of the crowd watching you. When you close your eyes and open your mouth, you forget the people watching you, it's just you and the music. And when you open your eyes again, you see the people smiling and applauding. I smile because I have been given a chance to share my gift.

Who/what are your major artistic influences?

I can say my mom, because she was my first music teacher, and my dad, because he encourages me to pursue my love for music. I like to listen to different artists and genres so that my singing and writing styles are broad. But if you ask my favorite artists, it would be Ed Sheeran, because his songs vary from one style to another, and Rudy Mancuso, because overall he's a very talented person.

Please give a big hand to ElvenSweetiePie143!

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