mylilseaweedbrain's Second Performance

153 8 5

In the Original Music category, as their second entry, mylilseaweedbrain performs their original piece "The Spaceman" under their artist name Emma Jacobs!

Interview Questions:

What inspired you to write this piece?

It's very simple really. I was sitting alone in my room, looking out at the stars through my window, when I saw a big plane go by. I wondered who was on the plane, where it was going. It made me think of how isolated our society is, which made my mind drift to the isolation of space. So I wrote a song about a farmer guy who goes into space by himself to save humanity from aliens. In life, I have always felt very isolated from everyone else and found it difficult to talk to people or get out of my comfort zone. Even today I struggle to order my own meals and talk to cashiers. This song is about that isolation. Just a warning, it is very experimental and was created using Garage Band loops... it's pretty weird. But if you listen close, you can hear the story of the lonely space-farmer.

What does music mean to you?

Music is a way to communicate when words fall short. It gives meaning to things that would have otherwise seemed insignificant and doesn't hold anything back. It is raw feeling, thought, and desire. I also believe that music is a conversation, with questions, answers, and all the befuddlement that comes with living in the real world. In all, Plato said it best. "Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything."

What do you love about performing?

I love the sense of fear that I get. Not bad fear, but the exhilaration that comes from standing in front of a crowd (or a camera) and realizing that you are vulnerable. But one of my favorite things about performing is the reaction, whether it be laughter, tears, or anything in between. That's what makes it all worthwhile. Seeing the audience's reaction (or reading it). Performing is also a way to let loose all of your pent up emotions under the guise of someone else (in acting's case) or through music. Either way, I live for it! :)

Who/what are your major artistic influences?

My dad, who is always playing piano with me or playing drums. He is the one who has told me to take a few steps back and not be so hard on myself when I don't get things right away or I flub a few notes, and he is my biggest inspiration. Musician-wise, Esperanza Spalding, Nellie McKay, Queen, and Frank Zappa have been major influences for me, all of whom were introduced to me though my dad. They are all vastly different in style, but each of them is... just flat-out honest with their work. They, at least to me, seem unafraid to share their opinions or create something completely strange or obscene, unwilling to hamper their creativity based on audience ratings or opinions or backlash. They are all very inspiring to me.

Please give a big hand to mylilseaweedbrain!

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