lunarstarlet's Performance

107 10 3

In the Song Cover category, lunarstarlet performs "Cecilia and the Satellite" by Andrew McMahon!

Interview Questions:

Why did you choose to cover this song?

"Cecelia and the Satellite" has held a special place in my heart since I first truly listened to the melody and the lyrics. My interpretation of it is that you should always remember the wonderful things you have in life, and look back at events in the past and be grateful. Though it may have seemed awful or unlucky at the time, every single event in your past shaped who are and and led you to the wonders your life is providing now.

What does music mean to you?

Music to me, like so many others, isn't just a hobby. It's incredibly fun, don't get me wrong—but to me, music is about the messages hidden within the lyrics. It's about the tone of song and the notes and the way it flows; they all make up a story. A story of love, fear, loneliness, even anger—I feel that music is the best way to express it all.

What do you love about performing?

The list goes on forever. Not only do I love being in the spotlight (yep, I'm a self-professed drama queen, and I am not ashamed!), but I also feel that it really helps people understand me in a way that they will truly pay attention. Singing captures feeling and meaning in a way that won't make people ignore you or roll their eyes. It often portrays an important message, and that's why it's a dream of mine to become a musician and an actress and a writer (yeah, I know it's a lot); what I want to do in this world, more than anything, is share love with the world—and have someone, even just ONE person, LISTEN to my message and change their ways. That's my biggest dream of all.

Who/what are your major artistic influences?

Madison Beer is one—because she was discovered so young and the tone of her voice is so beautiful. As for styles of music that aren't considered 'Pop' or 'Indie' or anything of that sort, I truly look up to artists like Lea Michele, Idina Menzel, and Naomi Scott; their voices are so beautiful, and they've all overcome adversity based on things like appearance, age, race, religion, etc. to get where they are now. I believe that our differences from one another are something to be proud of, and these artists really express that.

Please give a big hand to lunarstarlet!

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