MarconiArrizza's Performance

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In the Song Cover category, MarconiArrizza performs an English translation of "Spring Day" by BTS (translation by YouTube user Silv3rT3ar)!

Interview Questions:

Why did you choose to cover this song?

I lost a close friend to a brain tumor. Not a day goes by where he doesn't cross my mind. This song, especially this translation of it, always reminds me of him. I struggle with talking about him and his death, so not many people who didn't know him even know I'm struggling with this sort of thing. But it's easier to express myself when I use music, so I thought I'd enter with this one.

What does music mean to you?

Art, self-expression, a coping mechanism, and a language that speaks to the heart in ways not much else can.

What do you love about performing?

I love making people feel. Happiness, sadness, whatever, if I can make someone feel anything, that's what makes me happiest and most proud.

Who/what are your major artistic influences?

Emotions and memories. If something makes me feel or brings back memories, I love to turn it into art, including music. Therefore, I always have inspirations and things that influence me to keep creating.

Please give a big hand to MarconiArrizza!

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