kaimin_the_bb's Second Performance

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In the Song Cover category, as their second performance, kaimin_the_bb performs "Kids Again" by Artist vs. Poet!

Interview Questions:

Why did you choose this song?

I chose this song because I love how it was made and how it sounds, and it's just an all-round well-made song, and it so happens to be my favourite one right now.

What does music mean to you?

Music is a safe space, it helps with everything and makes life go faster. I am always listening to music, gosh I'm even listening to music while writing this. It's also an easy way to distract your mind and build knowledge while sitting there doing nothing else.

What do you love about performing?

I love to hear people's reactions to my work and what I have made or am covering at that time, it just inspires me more and makes me proud of what I had done.

Who/what are your major artistic influences?

A band named BTS have influenced me, I know Korean and make music because they inspired me to do that. Also a lot of solo artists influence me to know how far they have gone alone, all by themselves with no starting help. It's just inspiring.

Please give a big hand to kaimin_the_bb!

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