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My amazing wife just sang me a song, and it meant the world to me. She expressed so many feelings when she sang it. Right into my heart. She keeps surprising me and she amazes me every single day. I mean I didn't take her as a romantic kind of girl but today she was, the hallway upstairs. She brought us, wedding bands, even though I told her it wasn't necessary.

I have her name tattooed on my skin, and she has mine but I guess she wanted it more obvious than that, and to be honest, I was hoping she wanted wedding bands cause I wanted that too.

She made our room into a love nest and sang me a love song. I mean, come on. Weston Miller? The girl who eats racer wires for breakfast, did all that? I'm not complaining. I loved it but it surprised me. In the most precious way. I can't believe that she's my wife?!

She stumbles around the pole alone now. Vince took Riley upstairs a moment ago, cause she was wasted and Seth took Blair to his room. The other crow eaters are cleaning up the bar, and I see Jay, staring at my wife.

I don't know what his problem is? He had his chance and he didn't take it. Which I'm thankful for but he looks at her in a way that I don't like. Like she's a big juicy steak and he can't wait to take a bite.

"Hey man." I walk up to him and take a seat right next to him. "Hey, Prez. Congratulations!"

"Thanks. You good?" Jay doesn't even take his eyes off my wife. His gaze is so intense, and that makes me pissed. So disrespectful. "Yep. I"m good, just drunk as fuck."

"I hear you. Me too." His eyes are still on her. She sways around that pole and I know that she's sexy ass hell, and I'm sure the others look at her as well but his gaze makes me want to rip his head off. "Yeah?" he says. "Yeah! Needed some refreshments after..." He cuts me off. "Yeah, I bet. Well, I'm gonna head out."

"Yeah, and I'm gonna take that girl upstairs and take her just the way she likes it." Jays eyes go dark when I say that. That's the only confirmation I need but I'm not gonna do anything about it now. I'm gonna surprise him. He's not touching my Queen.

"Babe! Come on! It's time to dance!" Weston yells. I smirk and Jays eyes shooting daggers at my back right now. "I'm coming, babe." I wiggle my eyebrows at Jay and turn around, walking over to Weston. She wraps her arms around my neck instantly, and I wrap my arms around her waist, pulling her closer to me.

"Mmm, I love it when you pull me close like this."

"Do you now?" I smirk. "I do, and you make me so wet with all your tattoos and your chiseled body." I kiss her neck and we slowly dance around, I see Jay looking at us. I kiss her neck again and Weston moans when I reach her sweet spot just below her ear. "Mmm..."

Her body covers in goosebumps as I continue to kiss her neck and up to her earlobe. "You taste so sweet, babe."

"Mmm..." She put her lips against mine and we kissed slowly and passionately. She caresses the base of my neck with her fingers, and it sends shivers down my spine. "Want to go back upstairs?" I ask. "Thought you were never going to ask. Come on." I pick her up bridal style and carry her upstairs to our room and I don't put her down until I stand in front of the bed.

"You're so beautiful, babe." She blushes. "Thank you. You're beautiful too, from the inside out." She stands up in bed and she's almost as tall as me. "What do you want?"

"You. Inside. Me. From. Behind."

"Your wish is my command." She smirks and undresses in front of me, I do the same. Then she turns her back towards my chest and gets on her hands and knees. "Mmm, looking good."

"Come on. Prez. Fuck me!" I smirk and I do exactly that. Fast and hard. Just the way she wants it. She was made for me, I'm sure of it.



I wake up and feel my head spinning. Shit, why do I always drink too much? I sit up and put my hand on my forehead. "Fuck!"

"You okay?" Hero asks. "No. I'm still drunk, I think."

"Haha, Yeah I bet."

"It's not funny."

"It is."

"Why are you perky this morning?"

"I'm happy." He says with a smile. "Really?" I cork my eyebrow at him. "Yeah, cause you to know. I married a pretty cool girl last night."

"Mmm, she sounds amazing, dude."

"She is. It's a shame that she's so hungover today tho."

"Yeah! And why is that?"

"I was planning on taking her out for breakfast but it seems that she's still drunk from last night."

"Such a bummer." He chuckles. "It is. Guess I have to go downstairs and drink some crappy coffee by myself." He stands up and gets dressed. "No! Don't leave me this sore!"

"See ya!" I hear him laugh as he walks downstairs. Crap! Now I have to get my ass out of bed and go downstairs. "Ugh! I'm never drinking again!" I say to myself as I stumble out of bed and get dressed.

I'm finally downstairs and take a seat next to a very hungover Riley. She gives me a half-smile when she sees me. "Mrs. Knox!"

"Shut up! Trip!"

"Here you go, Darlin." Riley giggles. "Someone is moody this morning!"

"I'm still drunk. Let me be." Riley smirks. "Well, its nice to see you. Do you know what time it is?" Vince asks. "Dude, I don't even know my own name right now." Vince chuckles. "It's 3 in the afternoon!"


"What?" Riley asks. "Babe. You okay?"

"No! I'm mad at you. Don't talk to me." He doesn't care. He snakes his arms around me and kisses my neck and I shiver. I see Jay staring at us with dark eyes. Who the fuck pissed in his Cheerios? "Did someone killed your cat?" I look directly at Jay. "Nope!"

"Then stop looking like someone did."

"Whatever!" He stands up and walks outside. "Woah! Whats up his ass?!" Riley asks. "Maybe he still has a condom up there from last night!"

"Oh, my god!" Everyone burst out laughing. "Hey, maybe he's hurting?" Seth said. "So?"

"Don't make fun of him when he's not here to defend himself."

"Fine. Sorry!"

"Sorry!" Riley said. I roll my eyes. Seth walks outside. I see Heros eyes go dark and now I'm really curious what the fuck is going on?!



I walk outside to talk to Jay. Something is bothering him and I want to let him know that I'm there for him, if he needs me. He stands outside smoking. "Hey, man. What's up?"

"Hey, It's nothing just having a bad day, I guess."

"Okay. You know that you can talk to me, right? If you need to, I mean."

"Yeah, thanks, man. I appreciate that." He seems off somehow. I just can't put my finger on it but when Vince steps out he tenses up. Like he has to hide something. "Everything okay?" Vince asks. "Yeah. Just one of those days, you know."

"I hear you."

"Well, lets go back inside. Chapel in five." Jay says. "I meet you there, man," I tell him. Jay nods and goes back inside. "What?" Vince asks. "Something is up. I can feel it. I just don't know what it's about yet but every time Hero or Weston comes near him, his eyes go black."

"Yeah, I've noticed that." I look at Vince and then it hits us both at the same time. He wants Weston. "Fuck!"

"Shit!" We keep staring at each other, not knowing what to do with this. Weston is going to rip his balls off and feed them to him if she knew, and Hero, I don't even wanna know what he would do.

Our Hearts Beats as one (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now