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I just drove around for hours and I'm hungry. I see Mc Donald's and drive through and order some food. I eat in my car and the pups get some burger meat. Shit, where am I supposed to go? I have no friends and I have no family besides Seth and Vince. I drive to our childhood home. It's been renovated. It looks nice. I sit there and stare for hours. My phone has been buzzing non-stop.

It's Riley, Seth, and Vince but no Hero. How the fuck did things get to this? Was it only because I snapped at hi this morning? No, it must be something else. Something I don't know about. They had that meeting with The Black Souls MC, I wonder what happened at the meeting? Usually, Hero tells me everything about their businesses. This time he didn't. I have to know what happened.

I put the gear in motion and drive back, I'm gonna ask their Prez what happened and if he doesn't tell me, I'll make him. I'm not afraid of him.



I haven't slept one second since Weston threw her rings at me and left. I went home but she was gone, and so are her things and the pups. Shit! This was what had to happen to protect her, even if it kills me from inside out. I love her with everything that I am but I couldn't tell her, there's no way.

I take a shower and when I stand there I feel empty. She's not here with me. She's off somewhere only God knows where. I'm sure she's lost and she's having a hard time navigating her feelings. I just hope she doesn't hurt herself. My phone buzzes and I answer.


"Well, that's not a nice way to talk to your partner, is it?"

"What do you want?"

"Just letting you know that she's here. She just pulled up. Guess our plan will work in my favor and you thought you knew her."

"Just don't hurt her."

"I'm not a monster. She'll be just fine. But those dogs, not so much."

"Mother fucker!"

He hung up! Fucking hell!! Of course she figured that out! She's too damn smart for her own good! She figured that out, that our meeting didn't go as I hoped it would. Usually I tell her all about our businesses but I didn't this time. Because they had leverage I didn't know about when they desperately wanted to buy guns from us.

I pick up my phone and call Vince.


"She's at The Black Souls."

"Why the hell would she be there?"

"He called me."

"But I don't understand why she would go there. She hates them. Especially since the whole Evan thing."

"I know. Gather everyone. chapel in ten."


I hang up.

"God damn it!" I get dressed and head to the clubhouse. I need to bring them up to speed. I know I'm about to have my ass kicked by Seth and Vince, and probably Riley too, but I don't care. We have to get Weston out of there.



I pull up at The Black Souls MC clubhouse. I take the pups and jump out. Timothy is on his phone when he steps outside. He smirks and then hangs up. "Well, Well, isn't it The Vipers Queen."

"Shut your pie hole! What the fuck happened yesterday?"

"Oh, you're really smart."

"I know. Tell me."

So feisty! This will be so much fun."

"What the fuck are you talking about?"

"Mmm...guess your dear husband didn't tell you?"

"No, but you will or I'll rip your balls off and feed them to you." He laughs and he gives me shivers. Not because I'm scared, but because he's slimy and his voice makes me want to throw up all over his stupid face. "Tsk, Tsk, Tsk...don't think so. Now tell me what happened with my VP?"



"I don't fucking know."

"Wrong answer" Someone hits me in the back of my head and I pass out.



All my guys are gathered around the table in the chapel. Just where I fucked my wife two days ago. My heart squeezes when I think about how badly I hurt her feelings. "So? Tell me why the fuck, Weston would go to The Black Souls MC? She hates them." Vince asks.

"At the meeting, he pulled me away, remember?"


"Yeah. He knew about Evan, and he wanted to make me pay for that. He told me to leave her or he would find her and use her as a sex slave for his members. He only wanted to buy guns from us to get her."

"What the fuck?!" Vince yells. "Why didn't you tell us?" Seth asks. "Because she can read you two like an open book."

"True." They say together. "So what happens now?" Vince asks. "We get her back."


"I don't know yet, but we have to figure it out fast. Before it's too late."

"They're gonna hurt her." Seth said. I sigh and lose it. In front of my brothers, I break down. They know how much that crazy girl means to me. She's my everything. I wouldn't hurt her like this if I had another choice. I really thought I was protecting her by distancing myself from her but I broke her heart and she's at their place. Let's just say my plan didn't work. I need Pollux with me on this! He's the only one who knows how I think without telling him.



I wake up in a bed, in a room, I don't recognize. Then I start to remember what happened. Shit! I'm at The Black Souls MC. They have to know that Vince killed Evan. Shit! I think my nine lives are out. They'll give me to some cruel bastard and then I die.

I'm not tied up. Guess they don't know what I'm capable of. Maybe this is going to be fun. Let's hope that Vince and Seth have noticed that I'm gone. I'm sure they will come and look for me here at some point. I hear my pups whimper. I sit up and see them in a cage.

"Really?! Fucking animals! You don't put my babies in a cage." I open the cage and let them out. The door opens and Tyra walks inside. What the fuck?!

Our Hearts Beats as one (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now