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I don't even know how long I've been here. I don't know where the fuck I am and I'm starting to get restless. Did Hero die? My heart twists inside my chest when that thought crosses my mind. I'm so worried about him. What if he actually died? How can I live without him? I can't. "Are you cracking down?" Marcus asks.

"You wish."

"I need to know a few things, and I need you to answer honestly."

"Why would I do that?"

"Because if you don't, I'm going to make sure that your dear brothers are next in line." He says. "To what? Kiss your ass?"

"No! To get killed."

"Haha..." He gets closer. God, I hate his smell. "Please, take your fucking reeking mouth away from me before I vomit all over your stupid face!" His face gets red. "What did you say?"

"Are you deaf?" I spit out. "Oh, you're playing with fire, young lady."

"I like to play." He smirks and runs his hand over my cheek. Then down over my neck to my breasts. He stops there. He squeezes them. "Having fun, perv?"

"Mmm. Yes, you're a beautiful girl." He says. "I know" He chuckles. You're really something else."

"Thank you." Oh, I love to play mind games. It's so funny. "Mmm... I moan. His eyes widened. I arch my back so I can get closer to his touch. This doesn't turn me on. It does nothing to me, but a girl can play, right? I'm bored and I need him to lose his grip. "You like that?" He asks.

"Mmm, am I getting you hard?"


"Mmm, good." He continues and all I want to do is throw up all over him. God, he's disgusting. He pulls down my top and my bra. My breast is out. "Shit..."

"If you let one of my handd free, I can help you out with that hard situation you have going on there." He looks at me, then at my hands and then at my breasts, and then at me again. "No. You would only try to escape. I can't risk it."

"Oh, come on. How could I do that with my other hand and my feet still chained up? I'm not the Hulk." He's actually considering it. "Fine but if you try something, I'll punish you."

"I won't." He lets go of my breast and unlock the chain on my right hand. Then he opens his pants and let them fall to the floor along with his boxers. Oh, he's tiny and so fucking disgusting! Okay, Weston, you can do this. Make him trust you. Make him feel good and then strike. Fast and Hard, just like a cobra.

I look at him and bite my lip as I reach for his cock. I almost burst out laughing. Hero is a giant if you compare them but I bite my tongue. Can't laugh at him. Not right now at least. I let my hand slide up and down over him. He closed his eyes. I let go and reach for my hairpin in my hair. I put it in my mouth. "Why did you stop?"

"I'm sorry, I had an itch on my nose. Close your eyes and enjoy this now, big fells." He smirks. Oh, my god! Does he actually think he's big? That's hilarious. I jerk him off and he cums in my hand and the sound he makes, makes me want to die, right here and now. Eww! "Mmm, yes just like that...mmm...uhhh"

"Mmm, good boy." He pulls up his pants again. "Just because of that, I'm going to let you have that hand free for a while. I'll go and get you some food."

"Thank you." I smile. He leaves. I take out the hairpin from my mouth and bend it out, then I put it in the key locker. I've been thought by the best to do this. Vince was phenomenal with a hairpin when he was younger. I fiddle with it and I feel the click in the lock. I take off the chains and sit up. I do the same to the ones by my ankles. I stand up.

I look around. I need something to hit him with. I see a pipe lying on the floor. "That's good enough." I hide behind the door and then I wait and wait.



We have been on Pollux's laptop for hours. No one has slept in like three days. I'm not even sure what we're looking for? Pollux phone buzzes.


"This is him. Oh? Okay. I'll be right there. Thank you."

"Who was that?" I ask. "Hero is awake! Come on." Pollux, Seth, and I speed to the hospital. Hero is finally awake. Let's just hope he doesn't chop our heads off when he hears about Weston. "He's gonna kill us. You know that, right?" Pollux said. "Yeah. Well, let's just go and see him first. So we can tell what condition he's in." Seth says.

"Yeah. Well, I'm not standing close to him. If he's gonna cry."

"Pussies." Pollux said. "Shut up!" Pollux laughed and we finally pulled in at the hospital parking lot. We walk inside fast, to Hero's room. He looks at us. I know who his eyes are searching for. "Where is she?" he asks. No one says anything.

"I'm sorry, bro. They took her. She's been missing ever since. We don't know where to look. We don't even know who took her." Pollux tells him. "They took my wife?!"

"Yeah, sorry man. By the time I got to you guys, she was gone."

"Mother fuckers!!! It has to be the cartel?! Right?!"

"We don't know for sure, but I think so." I tell him. "Her ring."

"What ring?" Hero looks at me like he wants to bite my head off and throw it out the window. "Her engagement ring. It belonged to my grandma. It got a tracker inside it."

"Oh, why haven't you told us that before?" I and Seth ask and he growls. "Don't put this on me. I fucking got shot, and I almost died. You need to find my girl and bring her to me." We all agree.

"You fucking better!" Jesus, I don't think I've ever seen Hero this pissed. He's absolutely furious. "Well, how do you feel?" He glares at me. "Fucking fantastic! How do you think I feel? I've been shot close to my heart. I've been unconscious for a week and now you're telling me that my wife is missing and you don't have a fucking clue where she is?"

"Okay, when you put it like that, I totally understand. "Seth said. "Good! Don't stand here. Find her!"

"Yes." I said. We leave in a hurry.

Our Hearts Beats as one (Book 2)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα