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I wake up from a buzzing sound. I take my phone and look at it. Pollux just sent me a text message.

[ Pollux - Hey Weston! How's my son? I just wanted to say that it's been a busy few days. 15 down. Now we're heading to Tijuana. My IT guy tells me that their headquarters is there. Take care! ]

I smile.

[ Weston - Hey, Pollux! Blake is fine, he misses you though. Wow, that's awesome. Wipe them out and come back home. ]

I sigh and put my hands under my head and look up at the ceiling. Hero is still asleep. There's a knock on our door. "Come in." I call out. "Hey, Westlon."

"Hey, Buddy. You okay?"

"Yeah. I miss my daddy. When will he be back?" he asks. "I don't know, man. Soon."

"Okay. Can we play PlayStation?"

"Umm, duh. I just have to walk the dogs first, okay?"

"Okay, I'll get it started." He says. "Awesome." I slip into my pajamas and slippers before I head downstairs. I whistle and Duke and Ace come running. They're very eager to go outside. "Come on, boys." I open the door and they run outside. I stand on the staircase and look at them when they're sniffing around the yard. Duke comes closer and he takes a shit right beside the stairs. "Oh, shit! Duke, really?"

I lean over and throw up. "Fucking shit. Ugh." I wipe my mouth with the back of my hand and whistle at the dogs and they come running. I let them in and I headed to the kitchen. I grab a coke and drink it. Then I fill the dog bowls with food and new water. I walk into the living room and take a seat beside Blake.

"Are you ready?" He asks. "Yes, let's play!"



I wake up to an empty bed. My heartbeat raises. Where is she? I get up and open the door and hear her and Blake. I think they are playing PlayStation again. They can play for hours. I smile and go into the bathroom to take a shower. I soap my body and wash my hair. I tilt my head from side to side. Trying to stretch out the tension in my neck and shoulders.

I get out and dry myself and get dressed. I'm so happy. I'm going to be a father. I never in a million years thought I would have all this. A wife, two dogs, a house, a great-nephew, and a baby of my own. That never intrigued me before but now it's all I can think about. I'm just worried about Weston. She's going to have so many breakdowns throughout the pregnancy but I'll be by her side every step of the way.

I head downstairs and take a seat beside Weston. She smiles when she sees me. "Hey, Babe." She says. "Hey." I kiss her cheek. "Hey, buddy."

"Hey, Hero. Look I'm kicking her ass." Weston starts to giggle. "Hey! that's a bad word, Blake." She tells him. "Right, sorry." I chuckle. "Want me to make some breakfast?" Weston looked at me and tilted her head. "You can't cook."

"Well, I can make scrambled eggs and bacon." I tell her. "Really?"


"I'd love to have some then." She says. "Me too. I'm hungry as...."

"Don't finish that sentence." She tells him. "Oops, sorry again." Weston wink at him. "Okay, I'll make some for us."

"Thank you, babe." I nod and go to the kitchen. I see Dani walking down over the yard. She sees me and waves. I wave back.



"Weston, Dani is on her way over here." Hero yells from the kitchen. "Oh, crap!"

"Bad word, Westlon." Blake says. "Oops, sorry. Well, can we continue this later? I have to talk to Dani."

"She isn't pretty, not like you." Aww....little charmer. "Thank you." I stand up and walk to the front and open the door. Dani is standing there holding up her fist. "Hey, I was just about to knock."

"Hero told me you were coming. You okay?" I ask. "Oh, okay. Yeah, I'm more than fine actually. Seth is really cute." She says. "Ugh."

"Shit, sorry. I forgot."

"It's okay. I'm glad he's kind to you." I tell her. "Yeah. Well, how are you? haven't seen you in a couple of days."

"Yeah. I've been tired."

"Okay. Well, do you wanna hang out today? Maybe go to the club or something?" She asks. "Sure." Fuck! I forgot! I can't drink. "Cool, let me ask Riley as well. She's so nice."

"Yeah. She's the best."

"Okay. Well, I'll see you later then." She says. "Absolutely." Dani turns around and walks back to the clubhouse. I close the door and walk into the kitchen. It smells delicious. I take a seat by the kitchen island. Blake comes and takes a seat by my side. "It smells good." He says.

"Yeah." I agree. "Here you go" Hero said, handing us our plates. We all dig in and it tastes amazing. ", you're a real master chef." I tell him. Hero chuckles and winks at me. Man, I'm such a fool for this man. He's incredibly amazing. Fuck, I love him so much.

Our Hearts Beats as one (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now