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Dr. Bree examines Weston. I sit by her head and hold her hand. She's really struggling and I hate seeing her like this but I'm glad she doesn't flip and beat the poor doc. That totally could happen. But she just lays there. With her eyes closed. She's so beautiful. "Okay. You can get dressed and I'll go and leave you samples at the lab and when I come back, I'll talk you through this exam I just did. Okay?"

"Yeah. Thanks." Dr. Bree nods and grabs the tray with Weston's blood. I help Weston down from the gynecology chair. She's shaky. "You okay?" I ask. "No. I need to go back home."

"We'll be leaving soon, babe. Then we can crawl under the covers and cuddle, okay?" She nods. "Can we buy a Big Mac on our way home?" She bites her lip. "Anything you want." She smiles and pulls up her pants and zip her hoodie. We take a seat by the desk and wait for the doctor to return. I'm actually nervous about what she saw when she examined Weston. The door opens and she steps inside with some flyers.

"So Weston. I can see a lot of scar tissue around your cervix but other than that I can't say much until I have all the lab results."

"What does that mean? With the tissue thing?" Weston asks. "It means that you would have trouble having an egg fertilized and the way your ovaries are almost blocked by the tissue but somehow Hero's swimmers made it through."

"Powerful. I told you, babe." I chuckle and Weston giggles and roll her eyes. "That's right and for the long-term carrying, I wouldn't worry about that. We have to wait for the results like I said."

"Okay. Thank you." Weston says. "Of course. Please call me if you have questions or feel worried. I'm on call at all hours."

"Thank you. I appreciate that." Weston says. We say goodbye to Dr. Bree and walk through the clinic. Weston takes my hand. She leans her head against my arm. She seems exhausted. I'm sure she is after all the worrying. She's so strong. She absolutely amazes me.



So far so good. I'm scared shitless but when I heard our baby's heartbeat, it was like everything fell into all the right places. But the fear I have paralyzes me. What if I can't commit and love this child? What if the baby dies? What if...Those are the two words that hunt me right now. What if?!

Our Hearts Beats as one (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now