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The next day I woke up and felt sore and sick. I stretch in the bed, I turn around and see Hero's side is empty. I freeze. I fucking hate that feeling I get when he isn't in bed with me when I wake up. I get up and look in the bathroom. He isn't there either. I hear laughter and peek out through the window and there he is. He's playing with Blake. He's running after Blake who laughs and falls, but Hero catches him before he hits the ground.

I feel myself smiling. My hand goes down to my belly. "Oh, shit!" I have a bump?! How could I've not noticed that? I phone Riley.

"Hey, you okay?"

"No. I need your help with something."

"Sure. What do you need?"

"I need to go to the mall. I just don't want the boys to know."

"Okay. I'll wait by the car."

"Thanks. I'll be there in a few. Just getting dressed."


We hang up. I put my hand to my mouth. I feel nauseous. I ran into the bathroom and threw up everything I have into the toilet bowl. I brush my teeth and get dressed. I hurry out to my car where Riley is waiting. She smiles and takes the passenger seat. "So where are we going? You sounded sneaky when you called."

"To a pharmacy."

"Okay? Are you sick?" she asks. "I don't know, but I have a bump. I did like five tests a while ago but they all came back negative. I'm hormonal and have been throwing up a few times and I feel nauseous all the time."

"Oh, okay."

"I'm freaking out." I tell her. "I know."

"I don't even know if I want a kid?"

"Does Hero?"

"Want a kid?"


"Yes, he does. He got sad when the tests came back negative." I tell her. "That's good."

"I guess. But I was told that I can't carry a child." I say. "Sometimes fate just screws the facts" She said with a smile. "Yeah. Shit!"

"Let's just do the test first and take it from there, okay?"

"I...ju...okay..." I sigh. Fuck! "I had a scare just a week ago." she says. "What?" I asked, shocked. "Yeah, but it was negative."

"Did you tell Vince?" I ask. "Yeah. He was disappointed."

"I bet. He loves babies."

"He does?" She asks. "Yeah. Haven't he told you that?"


"Oops." Riley giggles. "I can't see that though. He seems so hard all the time." She says. "I know. Our father was always hard on him because he was the oldest." I tell her. "Oh."

"Shit. I need to text Hero. He'll lose it if I'm not back before he's done playing with Blake."

"Yeah. You better do that before he has them all on our asses." I pull over and pick up my phone and write a message to Hero.

[ Weston - Hey babe, me and Riley are headed out for a while. Be back soon. ]

I put the car in gear and stepped on the pedal, making the engine roar. "Mmm..."

"Yeah. I have goosebumps." She says. "Me too." We pull over outside the pharmacy and we walk inside and buy five tests again. I buy a bottle of water and chug it down. Then we go into the same bathroom as I was in the last time I did this. "Okay." We both say.

I let out a long breath. I pee in a cup and we stick all the tests in it. He put them on the countertop and waited. Five minutes pass. I throw up and Riley holds my hair. She looks at the tests. "So?" ask. "Um. You're very much pregnant."


"Yeah, look."

"Shit. Crap!"

"Are you happy, or?" She asks. "I don't know. I need to throw up again." I do and it doesn't seem to end. I don't know what to do now?!

Our Hearts Beats as one (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now