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Ouch! My head is pounding and aches in pain. I open my eyes but close them again. The light is damn bright. I feel nauseous. I try to sit up, but I can't do that either. Because I'm fucking chained to a bed. Both my wrists and my ankles. "Nice to see that you're awake, beautiful."

"Who the fuck are you?"

"Marcus." he said. "I don't know anyone by the name, Marcus."

"No, but I know who you are. You're one bad little girl."

"And then some...what do you want?" I ask. "Nothing, for now. I'm just waiting."

"Great!" I open my eyes again. "You've been an active killer." I chuckle. "I only kill those who deserve it."

"And what did my guys ever do to you?" He asks. "I don't know who your men are?"

"They were a part of this cartel. They were my most valuable dealers."

"Oh. Those assholes." I hear him come closer. He leans over me, he stinks of whiskey and cigarettes. "What was that?"

"They got exactly what they deserved." He chuckles. Then he backhands me across my face. It's a hard hit and it rings in my ears but I just giggle. I'm never letting him see me go weak or beg for my life. I'd rather die. "You're crazy, aren't you?" I giggle again.

"And then some.." He looks intensely at me. "We thought you died."

"You assholes couldn't kill me even if you tried for a hundred years."

"You seem very confident?"

"I am."

"You know I shot that guy who was with you, yes?" Shit! I remember that. Well, that changes everything. "Yeah. So?"

"Isn't he your husband?" he asks. "Nope. Just fucked him a few times."


"Yeah. I'm not a one-man kind of girl. I like the variety."

"Mmm...I'll remember that." He says with a smirk. "Well, you're too old for me. I don't do old guys." He chuckles. "You seem to think you have a choice when you don't. If I want you, I'll just take it."

Yeah of course you do. I'm back to square one. Being raped and no one can help me. Fantastic! And Hero, my Hero! Is he alive? Does he know that I'm missing? Have they even noticed? I don't even know how long I've been here. I don't know anything. Maybe just that this might be the last day that I'm alive.



I've been fucking Dani non-stop since Weston went missing. I know that I'm a terrible person for not being part of finding her but I just can't. What if we don't find her this time? What if she actually dies this time? "Where's your head at?" Dani asks.

"Soon between your legs."

"As much as I want you to, you need to talk to Vince. He can't handle this all by himself. She's your sister too and Hero is in a coma. You have to find her." I sigh. I know she's right. I nod and get out of bed and get dressed. I need to find her. I need her to know that I did everything in my power to find her. I get out of my room and walk to Pollux's room and bang on the door.

"What?" He yells. "Open the door, man." I hear footsteps and the door swings open. He looks like I feel. "We need to find Weston and kill that bastard who shot Hero." Pollux smiles. "Finally. Let me get dressed." I nod and go downstairs. I find Vince in Riley's arms.

"We'll find her." She tells him. "What if we don't and he wakes up? or if we find her and he dies?" He asks her. "You can't think like that. Hero is strong, he'll wake up when he's ready and Weston is out there. You guys need to find her."

"I know." I clear my throat. "Hey, bro." Vince stands up and wipes away his tears. Just then do I realize that he's hurting just as much as I do. Only he doesn't get stuck. He has to go on even if he doesn't want to. Just because I'm a fucking pussy who locked myself up whenever something happens with Weston. "Are you ready?" he asks.

"Yes. I'm sorry."

"Yeah. Let's look over the videos one more time." He says. "Yeah." Vince yells for Kip. "What?"

"I want to look at the video again. Now that Seth finally pulled his head out of his ass." I don't respond to that. He's right. "Okay. Chapel in five just got to get it up and running." Kip says. Pollux walks down the stairs. "So we're finally doing this?" Pollux asks.

"Yeah. I need all the heads in this now. I'm sure it's the head of the cartel who has Weston. We need to find out everything about them." Vince said and Pollux nods. "Let me grab my laptop and make some calls. I have a wicked guy. He can find anyone." Thank god for Pollux.

Our Hearts Beats as one (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now