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Riley and the prospects take Blake to the playground. I'm sure this isn't for the faint-hearted. "Bring them here, please." Weston said. "With pleasure." Pollux says. Pollux, Seth, and Vince go downstairs to get Marcus. Weston tilts her head from side to side and cracks her knuckles. She's getting ready. I walk over to the music station and put on her song. When she hears it she smiles and walks in my direction. She puts her hands on my shoulder and kisses me.

"Make me proud, baby." I tell her and wink. "I'll do my best."

"And please be careful, you have my baby inside you."

"I will."

"Good. Go and have some fun." She giggles. Man, I love her so fucking much! When Marcus and Pedro are upstairs, both with hoodies on their heads, Weston starts circling them. She pulls off Marcus' hoodie first. When he sees her his eyes widened with fear. "Hello, creep!"

"You!? I thought you died." He nods his head in my direction. "Aww, you did? That's sad for you. Do you know what happens when you try to hurt my man?! Well, I guess you're about to find out. Just be patient. I'll introduce myself to this asshole first." She rips the hoodie off Pedro. "Hi there."

"Who are you?" Pedro asks. "Weston Knox, well you might remember me as Weston Miller."


"Aww, your memory is fading, old man?"

"I don't know Weston Miller. I had a client whose name was Rita Miller." I hear jaws clenching. I know it's Seth and Vince. "Yeah, she was my mother. She died."

"I'm sorry to hear that, she was a good customer and a nice piece of ass." Weston smirks. "Yeah. So do you remember that she had a daughter, that you guys took turns raping when she was twelve?" She asks. "Oh."

"Oh, yes, I'm here." She says. "They told me that you died."

"Trust me, I wished that I was when I woke up, ripped wide open. Beaten and raped by five full-sized men." I hear Vince pace back and forth. He's  pissed. So damn pissed. Seth just stands there and gives Pedro a death glare. "Yeah, well like you can see, your boys didn't kill me, or my mother because my brothers showed up. They took us to the hospital. My mom was locked up in a psych ward after she healed. Same with me. After that I went loony, to say the least."

Vince and Seth chuckles. "Brother, step forward." She says. Vince and Seth step out of the crowd in front of them. Duke and Ace walk inside. They come to me right away. They growl and bark at Marcus and Pedro. "Easy, boys. Mama is just having some fun. Stay with dad."

"I wasn't involved with what happened to you and your mother." he says. "But you were. It was your men. They answered you."

"I'm sorry." He says. "Aww, I'm sure you are but you know what, God forgives I don't!" She walks to the table next to her and gets her knife. They look at her, follow her every move. She's scary right now. So calm, so terrifying, so beautiful and so deadly. "Well, I thought that since you actually never touched me, you can die quick."

"Wha" And fast as lightning, she sliced his throat. She giggles and wipes off the blood on Marcus's thigh. She cut him at the same time. "Oops! I always forget how sharp this one is, maybe I should take this one?" She picks up another knife that I know for sure isn't sharp at all.

"Stop! Our guys will hunt you down and kill everyone!" Marcus screams. "Hahaha..." Her crazy giggle makes me hard as a brick wall. Damn, she's hot. "Your men are dead. Everyone from here to Tijuana."


"I sent out my brother in law on a killing spree. Do you know him? Pollux? He's also known as The Grim Reaper." She says with a smile. "The grim Reaper?" He questioned. "Mmhm, and can you see that handsome fella, my husband. He's The Beast."

"The brothers?" He asks. "Yes. Pollux and Hero, please step forward." We do and Weston jumps in my arms and kisses me passionately. "This is the man who touches me." She says. "And you jerked me off and you loved it."

"Mmm. No. That was just an excuse to get one of my hands-free so I can break free." She said. "How did you manage to do that?" He asks. "Hairpin. Easy peasy." I chuckle. "So, babe what do you want to do with this guy?" I ask her.

"Drop his pants. When I'm done with cutting off his disgusting dick. You, Pollux, and my brothers can do whatever you want to him. As long as he's dead when you're done."

"No problem." I tell her. "Okay then, pants off." Pollux lifts the man up. I pull down his pants. I laugh when I see his little shrimp dick. "Wow, that was a small one." Vince said. "Yeah, like mine when I was like 10." Seth says laughing. "I think yours were bigger even then, bro."

"Yeah, you're right." Weston giggles and gets the knife. She puts on a plastic glove. "I'm not letting my shin touch that thing ever again." She grabs it and starts to cut. It takes a while because the knife is slow. "Ahhhrrrrgggg!!" He screams.

"Aww, you cry like a baby. Poor thing." She go harder and soon it comes off. She puts it on the table. The dogs growled. "No, boys. I'll give you raw steak later. Not that dirty little shrimp." Marcus screams and wobbles the chair he's sitting on. There's blood everywhere. Weston kicks the chair so it falls over. She ran her hand against each other and walked towards me.

"My work is done. Do ahead baby. Do your thing. Make him suffer. Make him scream." She says. "Mmm, I will and then I'm taking you home." I tell her. "Can't wait, Papi." I smirk when she calls me that. She never called me that before but I like it.

Vince and Seth pull the chair on its legs, Marcus whimper. They start to beat him, ruthlessly. They show no mercy. When they're done, they nod at me. I put my foot where his dick used to be and I stomp, hard. So hard! Then I take an ax and chop off his hand. Pollux steps forward and puts his hands around his neck. He's lifting him off the floor. Then he snaps his neck like it was a stick. He drops the body to the floor. "He's dead. Let's celebrate!" He says.

"Yay!!" We all take a shot. Well, Weston doesn't, she gets a shot of apple juice. "Mmm, yummy!" I pick her up and walk with her in my arms all the way to the cabin. When we're inside. I close the door and push her up against it, and fuck her hard, just the way she loves.

Our Hearts Beats as one (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now