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Weston passed out in front of us, I hear the guys outside and I'm pretty sure it's our friends from the other chapters around the state. I ran over to Weston. "Shit! Weston!" Vince yells. "Wessy, come on!"

"She's unconscious. Give me that towel, we need to put some pressure over the wound." I tell them. "We should call an ambulance." Vince said. "No! They'll ask questions and shit about this mess. Let's just drive her to the hospital." Seth said. Vince nods and walks to the car while I carry Weston out of that sleazy room. "Is she okay? Pollux asks.

I can feel my tears burning behind my eyelids so I just shake my head. I can't fall apart now. I need to get her to a hospital. Vince answers for me. "No, she just passed out."

"Oh, shit! Come on then, let's get her to the hospital. I can drive."

"Thanks, man." Vince tells him. "I'll stay here and get this mess sorted out. I can't, Vince."

"I know. I'll call you when I have news."

"Thanks." Seth is a mess. He's even more worried than I am but I guess the adrenaline is still pumping through my veins. Pollux is a good driver who can speed drive like an idiot but it feels safe. He's always been good at that. Maybe because we used to be hunted when we were younger.

"If she dies, I don't even know what I'd do." Vince said with tears in his eyes. I hear Vince rambling. I don't know if he's talking to me or to himself. But I answer anyway. "I know, man. Me too but let's just stay positive and hope for the best. Okay?!"

"Yeah. You're right. She's a fighter. A bullet won't kill her."

"Yeah." Vince chuckles. He must be in some kind of shock mood. He rambles, makes jokes, and chuckles. In a way he never does. "She'll be fine. She's a fighter and stubborn." Pollux said. "I know. Thanks, bro." He looks at me through the rearview mirror and smiles.

When we finally arrived at the hospital, Pollux rushed inside. A few nurses and some doctors come running out with a stretcher. I put her down and they rushed inside with her. Leaving me and her brothers just standing here. No one knows what to say or how to act. We all are worried sick about her. After a while, Pollux takes care of the situation and tells us what to do. So we head to the waiting room. Riley is there, and she throws herself around Vince's neck when she sees him.

A few hours later Seth and the others join us in the waiting room. Seth doesn't speak. He's a mess. Pollux takes a seat next to him and places a large hand on Seth's shoulder. Just to let him know that he's there. "Shit! It's been hours! Why haven't we heard anything yet?" Riley asks.

"I don't know. Maybe they have their hands full." Vince answers her. "Yeah. Let's hope that." I'm going to ask if they have any updates. This shit is driving me insane. "I'm going to ask if they have any news."

"Okay." I walk over to the nurse's station. The nurse at the desk looks at me and bites her bottom lip. I roll my eyes and wait for her to speak. "Hey, how can I help you?" Her eyes roam over my body. "My wife has been in surgery for hours, is there any updates?"

When I said the word WIFE she stopped smiling. She glares at me instead. "What's her name?"

"Weston Knox." She types in Weston's name and reads, she frowns, and then she turns her face to me. "Um, she's been out of surgery for the last hour. Haven't they told you?" What the fuck?! "No! I haven't heard anything! So please let them know we're waiting for updates. Now!"

I almost roar like a tiger when I tell her this. I'm so fucking pissed right now! "I'm so sorry! I'll call the on-call surgent right away." I nod and walk back to the waiting room. Vince is pale and looks defeated. Seth is sleeping with his head leaning on Pollux's shoulder. A few minutes later a doctor finally comes to see us.

"Are you Weston Knox's family?" Everyone stands on their feet and says YES in unison. "How is she?" I ask.

"The bullet got caught up in the liver so we had to remove a bit from her liver but other than that, she should be fine. I say I should because I can't promise anything, but I have a good feeling. I can take you to see her. She hasn't woken up yet, but it's just a matter of time."

"Okay, thanks doc." He nods. "Come on, I'll show you to her room." All of us stand and follow him to Weston's room. She's still asleep. Looking pale but still beautiful as a summer's day. I take a seat beside her and take her hand in mine. "Hey, babe. I'm here. I got you."

Her eyes slowly open and when she sees me, she smiles and her eyes years up. "Hey. I missed you." I lean to her lips and kiss her softly. "I missed you too, so much." She smiles and falls asleep again.

Our Hearts Beats as one (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now