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Tyra steps into the room that I'm being kept in. She picked one of the pups up. "Aww, they're so cute. Such a shame that they're going to die today."


"Because I say so." she said with a smirk. "Why?" I ask again. " Haven't you figured that out yet? Maybe you aren't so smart after all."

"Please, enlighten me then." This bitch really gets on my nerves. "It's kind of simple actually. I want Hero's pipeline to his guns and if I can have him along with them, I'll be one lucky girl." Really? Stupid whore. I knew she was bad news the second I saw her shove her nasty boobs in my man"s face.

"What's your deal with The Black Souls then?" She giggles. "Aww, sweetie. You're really dumb." I ball my hands into fists. I want to slit this whores throat but I'll save her for Pollux and Hero. "Am I?"

"Yeah. They sell my drugs and they buy my strippers for a night."

"That's prostitution!"

"Yeah, I know. I need some cash flow and the girls love to be fucked by bad bikers." She says. "So why do you need Hero's pipeline? To defend your turf?"


"And what do The Black Souls get out of this?"

"You. I guess the Prez has the hots for you and your feisty personality." Oh, come on! Give me a break! Like I would let him anywhere near me. If he does, he's dead meat. "Well, nice chatting. Have a fun life being a sex slave to Timothy. I heard he likes the rough stuff."

Tyra walks out and closes the door, and of course, she locks it. "Fuck!" I pace back and forth in the room. Trying to think. What the fuck do I do now?!"



Pollux arrives and he has Blake with him. I stare at them as he walks through the door of the chapel. "Chill, he has his iPad and speaker. He's not going to hear anything." He says. "Fine." Pollux shows Blake to a chair and he plugs in the speaker in his ears and looks at the iPad like he's obsessed. "See?"

"Yeah, okay." Pollux takes a seat and looks at us. He can feel the tension in the room. "So what's up?" he asks. "Weston is missing." Pollux sighs. "Oh, what did you do?"

"I thought I was protecting her by keeping my distance. I made her think I was mad at her, that I've cheated." Pollux hit the back of my head. Hard. Fuck, that hurt! "Oww! What the fuck?!"

"Zip it. You deserved it. Why did you make her believe that?" He asks. "Apparently The Black Souls prez wants her."

"Black Souls?" He asks. "Yeah! We made a deal to sell them guns but he wanted Weston and I just thought he wouldn't want her if she wasn't mine anymore. Because we killed his VP." I tell him. "I killed him." Vince said. "Why?"

"Because he kidnapped Weston and tried to rape her." Pollux rubs his face. "Wow. Okay so let's go and look for her. Where do you think she is?"

"Definitely at their clubhouse. She ain't stupid. She probably figured it all out." Seth tells him. "She really is stubborn and hot-headed." Pollux said. "And then some..." I, Seth, and Hero said in unison. Pollux chuckles. "Well, I've seen Black Souls hanging around the strip club in the daytime. I know that Tyra went to high school with their Prez."


"Yeah. Oh. Shit!" Pollux said. "Oh my god, Pollux. Sometimes your so dumb." I tell him. " Fuck you."

"Tyra has been asking when we come to do the books more often. Guess I know why now. She works for them." Pollux slams his fist hard onto the table. He's pissed and I don't blame him. "Don't talk about her like that! She wouldn't hurt Weston and she sure as hell wouldn't hurt me."

"Track her phone, Kip." Vince said. "Weston's or Tyra's?" he asks. "Both!" Pollux growls. He's really pissed at me but he knows better than to start a fight until we have evidence. "Okay. Give me a second." Kip taps fast on his computer and he looks concerned. "So?" I'm getting very impatient.

"I'm sorry, Pollux. But I think that Hero is right. Both Weston and Tyra are at the Black Souls clubhouse."

"Fuck!" he yells. "Damn it!" Pollux asks Trip to take Blake upstairs to my old room and when Blake is gone he tips over the table. He's furious. "Stupid fucking bitch!"

"Try to call her." Rocky tells him. Pollux nods and picks up his phone and calls Tyra. He tries his hardest not to sound angry when he talks to her. He hangs up and throws his phone against the wall and it shatters into small pieces on the floor. "She says she's at the strip club."

"Well, that's a lie. She's still at Black Souls clubhouse." Kip tells him. What a fucking mess! Where do we even start? Is Weston alive? Did he hurt her? If he lay one finger on her he's going to meet a fate worse than death!

Our Hearts Beats as one (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now