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Fuck! Did you hear that?" Rocky asks. "Yeah, and I swear to God, if something happens to Weston or Hero, I'll fucking go mental."


"VINCE!" I hear Weston scream my name. She wouldn't if she could handle it by herself. I don't hear anything after that. I ran the fastest I ever have. I see someone on the ground. It's Hero. I look up and see a car speeding off. Shot! Where the fuck is Weston?! "Weston?" Nothing.

"I'm sorry, man. I think they took her." Rocky said. "Fucking hell! Can't she catch a fucking break?! Get me, Seth!"

"But he's with..." I cut him off. "I don't fucking care if he's with the Queen of England, get him!" Rocky runs off. I kneel down and check Hero's pulse. It's slow but it's there. I pick up my phone and call Kip.

"What the hell is going on?"

"Hero is shot. Get the car, backyard, the dog house. Hurry the fuck up!"

"I'm on my way."

I try to see where he's shot but it's so damn dark, I can't see shit. I lit up my flashlight on my phone. "Oh, shit!" I see lights from Kip's car. I picked Hero up and ran over to Kip. "Fuck, you're one heavy mother fucker, Prez." I put him in the backseat and sit beside him. I keep the pressure on the wound.

"How bad is it?" Kip asks. "Really bad, man. It's close to his heart. He has a pulse but it's slow. Drive faster!"

"Shit! I'm doing my best." Fuck! Seth calls me but I hand over my phone to Kip. I can't talk to him right now. I need to keep the pressure on Hero.


"He's been shot. It's bad. I don't know."

"She's missing, man. No trace of her anywhere."

Kip hands me my phone. "What happened?" I ask. "He screamed, then the line died. I think he threw the phone into the wall or something." Shit! Now he's going to be a basket case until we find her if we find her. "We're here, man."

I get out of the car and lift Hero and run inside. Kip looks at me like I'm the Hulk or something. Right now, it sure feels like that. I'm so pissed. A doctor and a nurse come running in our direction. They bring a gurney with them, I put Hero on it and they rush off.

"Fuck!" I punched Kip's car. Buckle the metal. He glares at me but he doesn't say anything.



Rocky comes running into my room as I'm balls deep in Dani. I have her bent over the bed, as he marsh in. "Dude, what the fuck?"

"I'm sorry but Hero has been shot." I cum as he speaks. "Shittt...mmm..."

"Ohhh...fuck yes!!" Dani moans. Rocky bushes and step outside while I empty myself into the condom. "I'm sorry, babe. I have to run." She smirks and pulls the covers over her beautiful body. "It's okay. I'll be right here." I nod and get dressed and run downstairs. Where the fuck is Vince.

I see Riley crying. I get my phone from my pocket and call Vince. Kip answers his phone. He tells me that Hero has been shot and it's bad, and then I ask about Weston. He says he doesn't know where she is. I look around and I don't see her. Rocky steps in front of me, he looks at me with sadness in his eyes.

"They took her. She's missing." He says. Not again! Can't she have a fucking break?! She just recovered from a gunshot. Like really?! She's gone, huh?" Riley asks. I nod. I can't handle this. I just can't. I know I should step up and do something but I can't. I walk upstairs to Dani. She jumps out of bed when she sees me. "What's wrong?" She asks.

Tears start to flow. "Someone shot Hero and took Weston." Dani's eyes go wide. "What?!" I nod and take a seat on the edge of the bed. I put my head in my hands. Fuck! I bet she's so afraid right now.

Our Hearts Beats as one (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now