chapter 16

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"Madileng just let me know where you are going simple I'll never say don't go " he said.

"Like you tell me when you go " I

"Well that's different you know i go to work and come back straight here " He says .

"Oh and I'm suppose to believe that you never go anywhere else " I ask .

"Yes you are because i never go to khayi's place she always comes here except for that day you kicked us out " he says .

"Thats a cheap lie and you know it" I say .

"How is it cheap lie " he says . I stay silent looking at him.

"You go out looking like that when you are someone's wife " he says .

"Does it mean if im someone's wife I'm not allowed to Express myself " I asked him .

"That's not what I mean , all im saying is that skirt is too short " he says .

"Don't tell me how to dress!" I say shouting at him.

"Don't yell at me !" He shouts back .

"So I must sit in the house and watch my husband kissing his girlfriend does that make sense to you " I said .

"You honestly aren't making sense , you bring your girlfriend here to our home yet you call me a wife , whose wife am I " i said .

"You knew before we got married that I had a girlfriend that I loved so much, its not like I wanted you to be my wife , i never wanted this" he said

"Oh and I did , do you think there is a nineteen year old in the world who wants to get married to someone they bearly know " i said letting out all my frustrations.

"At least you knew all your life this would happen I didn't know , i just came home one weekend and boom this happened " he said .

"Do you think I had a choice in any of this ?" I said .

"Neither of us had any choice but we are here because fate brought us together I think " Masego says lowering his voice .

"Masego I don't want to argue with you,  look I'm sorry but what you did there was messed up . Embarrassing me like that infront of my friend who now thinks you hit me " I said .

"Im sorry,  it scared me seeing you like this " he said .

"Well now I missed a braai,  next time you are coming with me since you want to play police " I say and he laughes .

"Don't cook today I ordered McDonalds , it should be here any moment" he said .

"Do you ever regret anything " Masego ask .

"I don't really regret anything in life because i haven't had the privilege to make any decisions in my life " I say honestly .

" I regret falling in love with khayi" he said .

"Then why are you still in love with her " I say .

"It's not like I can tell my heart to magically not love her , it takes time to fall out of love with someone but you will always love them " he said .

"I don't understand how can you still love them when you have fallen out of love with them" I ask .

"Sometimes you fall in love with someone who pretends to be something they not and we all know that no body can pretend for ever one day they will show their true colors which stops you from being in love with that but you will still love them always because of the memories you share with them " he said which didn't make sense to me at all in my life its either I love you , care for you or hate you that's it .

"I know one thing for sure I've never been in love but i always thought I was going to marry brian and it didn't happen " I say remembering all those times Brian swore I would be his wife .

"I'm glad that I married you , you are the most beautiful girl in my kingdom and trust me I saw all the girls from all the families from the pictures " he said.

"How did I get chosen" i said.

"I randomly picked five pictures but one of them instead of being you it was your father , so fate did the rest "he said .

"What do you mean fate did the rest ??" I asked.

"Well in that room I pulled anyone , I really didn't care who it was but I secretly hoped it wasn't Hazel cause that girl scares me " he says and I laugh .

"Don't worry she also scares me " I say .

"At least we have something in common Mrs. Lerumo " he says . We heard a knock on the door it should be McDonalds.

"I bought you a kiddies meal and you are going to eat it and finish " he says . As he gives it to me .

"I'll try " I say. I force myself to finish the whole burger and I do and drink the juice.

"Here try these fries they nice " he says handing them to me . I eat the fries as we talk more about his childhood .

"What about you ." He say .

"My mother is dead , my father killed her, from there life went from worse to horrifying and I had to endure everything " I said not going into detail  .

"How" he asked .

"I was a punching bag most of my life especially after my mom died when I was only fifteen,  I shut out the world with every beating I hated my mom more " I said.

"Why did you hate her " he asked.

"She stayed in an abusive relationship with a man that beat her and her kids sometimes beat her infront of the kids " I said as a single tear fell down my cheek.

"After she died I automatically took her place and became the punching bag , I would spent almost three days without food or sometimes I ate twice a week " more tears started to come down my cheeks . I was a mess .

"So that's why you act the way you do " he askes and I nod .

"I promise as long as I  live I'll never ly a finger on you " he said wiping away my tears . Which made me smile , but I hated how i just teared up infront of him.

"Now finish your fries" he says .

"Are you really going to marry khayi" I say .

"Well I don't know" he simply says so I keep to myself.

"I think we should go out to the movies" he says . I have never been to the movies but my friend Lethabo used to tell me about it and she used to tell me about the city life .

I won't lie I've always wanted to come to the city, it is everything a village girl like me could ever hope for . A life where you get a meal everyday , have a roof over your head and simply being able to buy whatever you want.

"Let me go change " I say .

"Nope I think I actually like that " he says making me blush .

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