chapter 22

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I woke up the next day and I was feeling sore. I think I needed a wheel chair cause I don't think I'll ever be able to walk again . The maid came in the room with my food. And the time was almost 12 pm. I was shocked I'd never wake up this time .

It was the same as yesterday's breakfast yogurt and fruits and the maid was watching me eat , I noticed how the size of the bowl was increased today meaning more fruits and yogurt for me .

I ate all of it and gave the empty bowl to maid . After she closed the door I tried walking but I kept wobbling and fell. Masego really gave it to me .

I called the maid to come help me up and she did ." Can you please take me to the bathtub I really need to bath " I say .

"Is madam okay " she asks.

"Nope I'm not ok I think I'm coming down with a fever , i can't even walk properly " I said .

"Should I call the doctor " she says .

"Nope I'll be fine by tomorrow " i say . She closes the door and i hear her talking to Masego.

"Sir I think madam is really sick she can't even walk " I face palmed myself.

"Is that so " I hear him ask . I hear the door to my room open . I look and I see Masego which results in me clovering myself in the blanket .

"I heard from a certain someone that you are sick and you cannot walk " Masego says .

"Get away from me , you did this to me " i say .

" I'm sorry did I fuck you too hard" he asks .

"Masego go away"I say hidding under my blanket.

"Next time you think about walking naked in the house think about the D " he says , I'll never walk around the house naked ever again.

"I thought you weren't coming " I said .

"So you thought wrong,  did I tell you I'm not coming ??"he asks and i shake my head no .

"I've learned my lesson ." I say still hidding in the blanket .

" can I see your face now " he asks.
I look at him and blush.


I decided to visit my siblings and make sure they pack everything before they go to Jasmine's house for the remaining days before keletso finishes writing. 

"Hey sister Madileng you look nice " Mpho says , I go closer to him and give him a hug and a kiss on the forehead.

"How are your therapy sessions going ??" I ask him.

"They are great , the therapist even gave me his numbers incase I feel like I need to talk " he says , meaning they working.

"What strategies were you given to deal with your anger ??" I asked .

"First I must remember a really happy time in my life and how i felt in that moment " he says smiling.

"So what's that happy time " I asked .

"The first time we came here " he says .

"That's the only one ?? " I ask .

"The other one is to scream into a pillow without a sound and the other is to count to ten and breath " he says.

"Well which one works best for you " I asked .

"The remembering a happy time and screaming into the pillow " he says .

"I'm gald they helping you " I said.

"Yeah they do but sometimes non of those things work i just end up taking the pill" he says in a low tone , i hated this i hated how my father put so much anger in him it was sad .

"Always remember that you are better and can always do better " I say .

"Next year maybe I'll enroll you in yogo ,i heard it reliefs tension " I say , I was going to find ways to actually make life a little easier for him.

"Thanks" he says

"Where is keletso??" I asked .

"She went to her friend's house ??"he says .

"When is she coming back " I asked .

"Erh they are having a sleep over " he says . How could keletso sleep at a friend's house and not tell me , how am I suspose to feel about this .

"I called someone to help you pack all of your stuff " I said .

"Will you be coming with us ??" He says.

"Nope I'll be staying here atill Masego decides to go " I say .

"If he decides to not go " he says .

"Then I'll ask him to come , but in the mean time i want you to behave when you are at Jasmine's house please" I said .

"I will ??" He say .

"If i hear no complains then I'll book you a plane ticket to go home instead of changing transportation " i said asuring him.

"I'll not even breath in her house " he says.

"What do you want to eat " I said .

"I feel like some McDonalds " he says.

"Can you order it for us " I say. He takes his phone and orders for us .

"I want you to teach you how to play your PS5 " I say. And that's how the rest of day went , we were on the same team but I ended up shooting him and he got angry at me but i just laughed it's not my fault i didn't understand this .

"Sister that's me " he says oops i guess I shot him again .

"Im not playing anymore you have killed me at least ten times " he says and I just laugh.

"I forgot which button to press and what to move " I said .

"I'd like us to watch a movie where you can not cause me pain anymore " he says packing his things and neatly putting them away .

"Ok I'll choose the movie " I say .

"We are watching the child's play " I say .

"Are you sure??" he says .

"Yeah it has a doll here and it's suitable for your age" i say .

"Well you choose and no taking back your decision " he says.

"Why will I change my mind it's practically animation " I say . Minutes later I took back all I said and was clovering my eyes with a pillow while Mpho was laughing so hard at me.

"Mpho stop laughing at me , you knew it was a horror movie let you let me choose it" i said .

"I asked you if you were sure and you said yes " he says .

"Okay then you choose another movie " I say not wanting to watch this evil doll ever again. Which makes him smile and choose a comedy movie where this guy called kevin harts was involved, and i found myself laughing at the short dude .

"I'll never choose a movie ever again" I say period .

"Yeah , on that note I want you to go watch the movie the color purple,  it's very sad" he says.  How can a movie be named the color purple and be sad or was it about someone wearing something purple and something horrible happened to them , I thought to myself.

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