chapter 34 child's name

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After we were done Masego dresses himself and I started to cry . " what's wrong?" He asks.

"This is not fair , why do you always do this ." I ask .

"Do what." He asks.

"You always make me start from zero how am I suppose to get over you now ." I say sobbing into the blanket .

"I'm sorry ." He says .

"And he's sorry , these are my emotions not some soccer field you can play on ." I say  and he hugs me as I cry into his chest .

"I've always told you it will always be you ." He says . But how can it be me when it's clearly her and always her .

"Look I've been with her for six years it's not as easy as you think it is ." He says .

"I've never asked you to leave her , I'm giving you a choice to be with her without my interference. " I say.

"I don't want that. " he says .

"Then what do you want. " I say .

"I want you  but I also want her ." He is crazy if he thinks I'm ever going to share him . Its either I have him or not I can't share him never I'd rather leave.

"You can't have me if you have her , I won't let that happen. Yes I love you so much and for some reason I want you to love me back but not in this way ." I say picking up my clothes.

"I want to be selfish. " he says

"I think it's healthy for my heart if you don't do what you did today ever again. " I say getting out of the bed .

"Madileng I did nothing you didn't want me to do ." He says. Well that's true but it was not me it was my crazy emotions wanting him.

"Please stay away from me ." I say.

"I can't do that ."he says .

"Why ?" I asked .

"Cause you my wife and the sooner you accept that the better. " he says.

I stay silent not wanting this back and forth talk between us .He wraps his arms and body around my tiny body and I just fell asleep there.


I felt people come into the room and I opened my eyes to look at them.  Masego was still sleeping besides me . " er why are you both here without telling anyone?"

Masego wakes up from underneath me . "What's going on ." He say .

"What going on is we were worried about both of you , Bontle you went out and never came back and Masego you were last seen on the porch and all the cars were there so I called out a search party ." The king says .

"We are fine ." Masego says.

"I can see that ." The king says.

"Khayi is even crying." The king says in a low tone .

" We are coming then, just give us an hour ." Masego says .

"An hour ?" He says raising his brow but he simply nods his head .

"Father you are so extra you came with all these people in here for what?" Masego asked.

"You are my son and the future king so anything that has to do with you I take seriously. " the king says while I was sitting there embarrassed.

"Ok then we're coming. " he says .

" We have to go and have dinner ." He says .

"Yeah ."

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