Chapter 1: My Sudden Death. (Part 3)

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I woke sweating. The sun was just beginning to rise and as I looked around everything was fine. For a moment I just laid there and breathed to calm myself. Not again, I refused to die to that Monster again. There was a soft chirp and a beak poked above the carriage top. Pina chirped at the side fully craning her neck.

With a smile I gently rubbed her head, "I'm fine, just a dream."

It was earlier than I needed to wake up but there was no point idling. From the previous time we would leave just after nine once Taylor arrived from her night out. I cooked a light breakfast and as usual ended up making too much. I knew however that the pair of drivers from last night would be more than happy to take the leftovers.

After caring for Pina and double checking the luggage I decided to take a small walk around the inn. All three times I had passed through before I didn't have much time to wander or really a want to. With my mind still tired from the nightmare... it was better to keep my thoughts away from it. I rounded the inn and found myself in the small backyard adjacent to the stables. There in the early morning light of the sun, the Hero was swinging her sword in practice. I had caught her doing this a few times during the journey but I hadn't expected it inside the town.

A slight sweat had built up on her skin as she swung the fine blade repeatedly. Each motion seemingly simple but as her sword descended the grass beneath her feet would quiver and a strange energy filled the air. I was captivated. Her hair tied in a bun and wearing light clothing that stuck to her body. There was a beauty beyond just her appearance but in her every move. Finally she stopped and turned to me.

"Good morning," she smiled.

For a moment I panicked but righted my expression, "Apologies for disturbing you." I was about to leave but she called again.

"Ah wait, if it's not too much trouble can you please get me a towel?" she asked a little embarrassed.

"Of course," I bowed respectfully and left returning with a towel and some water.

She rubbed off her sweat and washed her face, "Thank you very much."

"A task such as this does not need thanks."

She frowned, "It's called being polite. By the way-." Her words were cut off as her stomach suddenly grumbled. "...."

I struggled to keep my face straight, "If the Hero wills it I have prepared a breakfast she may eat."

"Ye-yes please...." She hid her embarrassed expression.

We arrived at the carriage and I prepared her a plate. With a small thanks she took it and began to eat within the carriage.

"As I thought," she nodded and looked at me.

"Is something the matter?"

"It's just your food tastes better after all," her smile was dazzling. "I'm glad I got to eat here instead."

It was getting really hard to keep my expression neutral, "Thank you." With that I quickly left to prepare for the rest of the day.


The journey to Wester was the same. Nothing happened. Well relatively. During lunch Marley complained to the Hero about missing out on my breakfast which led to me cooking more than before to sate her. Aside from that we progressed as usual. Taylor tried to scare me again which I was ready for and the others ignored me. Only the Hero would occasionally glance my way. Well Marley did as well but that was only when it came to food.

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