Epilogue: What happened after.

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Epilogue: What happened after.


The Master Swordsman who's skill was comparable to the Hero Lara. After the Hero's disappearance he decided to stay within the Kingdom's continent for a while. With the rewards for his efforts he lived comfortably and slept far too much. Though on occasion he would help his friends with their work, it was more out of boredom than anything else.

After a year passed he decided to sail home and reclaim his honour after banishment. With the deeds he had accomplished and the stories spread of his name, without a doubt he would be welcomed home. That was if he reached it. After drinking far too much at his farewell party, Earnest boarded his vessel, it was unfortunate however that it was not the right one. Where he should have sailed east instead he was taken to the Northern realm, a far off continent with little to do with his home or that of his friends.

Earnest took it all in stride as a way to entertain himself and savoured many of the fine things the north had to offer. A place mixed with humans and demons, there were many races he had never met before. It was a shame then that without proper guidance Earnest was never the best when it came to money and just like in the Kingdom, fell into a large debt due to gambling. He was forced to work by the country's government and once more proved his skills with the sword.

During his adventure, though not on the same scale of his last, he won the heart of a fair maiden... kind of. The women, a demon, and Master Swordsman herself fell to Earnest's skill becoming infatuated with him and proceeded to chase him across the continent. Though a complex relationship at first, the two saw eye to eye through their continued bouts. Once his debt had been settled Earnest took the demon with him to his home, and with her help boarded the correct ship.

Together the two completed their shared dream of opening a new school for swordsmanship. Their lives never quite settled due to their natures but you could say that without a doubt, Earnest had found happiness... or at least a form of it.


The Priest of the Goddess returned to the Kingdom's Temple and completed her training fully. Though her brash attitude at times and certain stranger interests came into conflict with her own teachings, she was much loved by the community. Despite having her own duties she always made time to visit her friends and join them on their own escapades, to which she could revel in her more violent tendencies.

As the continent settled she was tasked by the Church to open her own Temple within the border forest. The first of its kind, it welcomed both demons and humans. While it had its own troubles, as head of the temple Marley made sure to squash them immediately. Her iron fist and hammer a clear way to get her subordinates and visitors in order.


The hidden prince and Captain of the Kingdom's knights. He continued his duties for the Kingdom and was one of the key members pushing for the continents peace. It was not strange to see his banner flown high in the town's he visited. Although stern and intimidating, the man had a warm heart and visited many orphanages, raising what could be called the next generation of knights. His sense of justice never let him down the wrong path and as years passed many had his staunch figure pressed to their memories.

Later in his years he was sent as an ambassador to the other continents and met old friends and new alike. His contribution to creating what would be called the new world was outstanding. Truth be told it had its ups and downs but Ronalt never wavered and whenever he began to, his friends were there at his side.

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