Chapter 8: My Monster (Part 2)

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As much as I wanted to be alone, to escape, I had work to do. Supplies needed to be bought for the journey across the border, the carriage needed to be in tip top shape, swords sharpened, armour polished and potions were to be made. I sat inside the carriage boiling the various solutions while slowly working on Ronalt's shield.

A knock on the door and I looked up. I didn't say a word and continued to work. The door opened regardless.

"You're actually here," the Her-Lara looked at me surprised. "I thought you would be somewhere alone."

"There's a lot I need to do," I put down Ronalt's shield and began to tend to my mixtures.

Lara sat down awkwardly nearby, "What you said in the inn... was it true? You're being forced to be here? Because if that's the case, if I tell them maybe I could-."

"That wouldn't change a thing," I sighed. Even if it was the Queens orders, some noble somewhere could hire an assassin to hurt someone I loved just to prove a point. I couldn't risk that. "Forget about it.

"I see...," her voice trailed away and with nothing to do she simply sat and watched. I didn't care. As long as she was quiet and didn't interfere she could do whatever.

Tens of minutes passed as I moved in and out of the carriage multi-tasking as much as I could. Lara's eyes followed me but her body remained still. Finally as I picked up a finished potion her mouth opened to say something but quickly closed.

"If you have something to say, say it," my tone was harsher than I meant.

"Ah," she flustered. "W-what are you making?"

I took out a knife and cut into my skin. Lara immediately stood up in panic but I held her back with a small gesture. As the blood seeped out I poured a small amount of the bottled liquid over the wound and took a small sip. Within seconds the cut became nothing, showing pure unblemished skin instead. As expected of fine ingredients, they were much more effective than what I made at home.

"It's a healing potion. In case something happens to Marley or she's busy," I said as she finally settled down.

"You scared me," she took a deep breath. "This world... it really is strange."

I sighed, "You don't even know half of it. To me you're all strange."

"What do you mean?" she blinked her eyes at me.

"Do you even realise how terrifyingly powerful you all are?" I laughed coldly. "I saw you beat back that creature in the cave. I've seen Marley bring someone back from the brink of death. I can't even follow Earnest when he's serious. Taylor can disappear before my eyes. Ronalt could crush me in his hands and Ardent could burn down an entire forest on a simple whim. Normal people can't do that. Sometimes we have barely enough food to go around."

She looked down away from me. Her hands tightened into fists settling on her lap. I said too much.

"Sorry," I began awkwardly, "everyone here earned their strength by their own hands. Besides, you're our hope against the demons."

Lara turned her face towards me with watery eyes, "You're wrong. I haven't earned anything. I don't even know what I'm doing! My world, my home doesn't have magic and the first thing that happens when I arrived was being asked to help. How could I say no? Everyone praised me, how strong I became and how fast I learned... but I haven't done anything yet."

Without realising it my hand was on her head gently rubbing her hair. We were both surprised. It was strange, me doing this felt natural and foreign at the same time and I didn't know if I should stop.

Instead words left my lips, "You're doing your best and that's all that matters. For what it's worth, thank you." After all I had said today, after all I had felt these past weeks, all my deaths, not once did I consider how she felt, how Lara felt. Dragged to a new world, practically forced to be a Hero and forced to defeat the Demon Lord. Compared to me she really did have the weight of the world on her shoulders.

Her hand rose up slowly and held mine against her head. For a moment she did nothing else and seemed to relax. Her breath came out gently and when she looked at me her eyes were once more resolute. Pure and filled with an innocence that I couldn't comprehend. I removed my hand.

She smiled, "Your words... they mean a lot, really. Thank you."

"N-no problem," my heart beat uncomfortably.

"Is there anything you need help with?"

"I'm fine," I returned her smile although weakly. "Actually could you check on Marley, I think I scared her before and if you see Ronalt, tell him I'm not going to run away." How could I? Even if the Monster meant my death, I knew inside I'd just come back to try again. The others didn't know what was coming. Sure they might not realise just how screwed we were but I couldn't give up.

"No problem," Lara stood up and as she left the carriage she turned back. "Rain, I promise you no matter what happens tomorrow, we'll make it." And for whatever reason I believed her.

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