Chapter 17: Our Demons. (Part 3)

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Two days later we reached Tona. There wasn't much to say about the journey along the river. We saw no one and other than the occasional wildlife the scenery really didn't change much or at all. More river and more trees. At night I practised combat with Earnest and like the previous cycles he proclaimed me his apprentice. As much as I refused it was useless. Aside from that forced excitement I did my job just as well as I did before. No that was a lie... it was harder. Taylor and Lara's assistance were mostly detrimental to my work. Taylor messed around too much and Lara was surprisingly clumsy. Dealing with the two took more time than if I was alone. Heck Ronalt was more help. Still, it was peaceful.

I could hear Tona before we saw it. The sound of an active town and the jingle of bells not uncommon from a port. It came into view suddenly as we turned around the bend of the river. The town sprawled into the forest cutting through the trees, built on top long and extending wooden supports. The port itself had several boats marooned, trading vessels of different sizes and a single ship meant for war. War with who though I didn't know. There were no human settlements close by but I was sure pirates and monsters wouldn't be too rare even here.

Before we entered I stopped the carriage. This would be the first time we were entering a full-fledged Demon town and there were sure to be things some of us would rather not see or in some cases want to see too much. Although it was a little cramped we all managed to sit or stand in the carriage's kitchen area.

Ronalt took the lead in the conversation, "From this point onwards we'll be interacting with more demonfolk. Again I ask you all to hold down any misgivings you may have. We are ordinary members of the horned tribe here to do trade."

I nodded, "That being said I know everyone here is alright with demons as a whole. What I'm more concerned with is you all attract too much attention. Earnest don't go duelling anyone. Ardent keep your curiosity to a polite level. Taylor no stealing or flirting. Marley some demons may have blue blood but don't go seeking it out. And Lara don't wander off alone."

Taylor huffed, "Why didn't you mention Ronalt?"

"Because Ronalt has his head on straight," I replied.

He grunted accepting the compliment, "If anything happens remember that we need to count on each other. This is another country far different from ours with cultures that may reflect badly on our own. Is everyone ready?"

An arrangement of replies echoed their answers. There was no way we could head back now.

As we rolled into the town we caught the attention of many of the townsfolk. Unlike Axel this place was a full-fledged town with hundreds of buildings and thousands of people. From the map Servius' father had given us it was one of the only major towns in the area. It wasn't long till we reached a checkpoint. Two demons armed with poleaxes stood in our way. One was covered in thick hair and the other had clawed feet.

"Greetings traveller," the thick haired one called to me. He seemed amicable enough. "What brings you to Tona?"

I smiled courteously, "Me and my fellow brethren are here to find passage to Citlia."

"Horned tribe?" he asked.

"Of course," I tapped the two small black horns protruding from my forehead. "We've been traveling in the forest trading interesting goods with the far off villages. We'd like to sell them in Citlia."

He nodded, "Well enjoy your stay then. You can talk with the office at the docks for passage and I'd recommend the Farsight inn down the main street if you require a place to stay."

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