Chapter 20: My Goddess (Part 4)

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"-Bitch!" I shot awake yelling. Damn her. Who does that? Leading me on and then just throwing me away. With how she was acting there was every chance that she was lying for fun and I had no more secrets. Really it just made it so much worse.

As my mind returned to normal I realised something wasn't right. The atmosphere around me was dark. The peaceful aura of the Temple had been shattered.

Someone coughed in pain, "Y-you know... that's not nice to say."

"Taylor?" I stood up and turned around. What I saw froze me. Bodies, dead and numbering more than ten. They wore black masks and were clearly demon. What shocked me however wasn't them but the figure of Taylor leaning against the open door, a skid of blood descending to wear she now laid on the floor. Worse still, the dagger sticking from her stomach.

"Hey," she smiled to me weakly. Her skin was deathly pale and her eyes hollow.

I rushed to her side, "What? What's going on? You- you're...." I calmed myself, "I'll fix this. Where's Marley, the other priests, they can heal you so just hold on."

She coughed and groaned as trickle of blood spilled from her mouth, "Marley... I don't know. The others... gone, maybe dead, who knows."

My eyes widened as I looked further down the corridor. The bodies of more masked demons and the occasional priest and Temple worker. I recognised the masks. They were the same as the fanatic's back in Tona. The plans they had to attack the Temple really did come true and now their blood had spilled on hallowed ground. I could hear the echoes and shouts of desperation in the distance but that didn't matter. What mattered was Taylor in front of me.

"Can you move?" I asked seriously.

"Not by myself," she groaned.

"Okay, try to hold on," I gently eased my hands underneath her. There was only one hope I could think of, the carriage still had some of my potions left. If I could just get there in time Taylor would make it.

Her teeth clenched together in pain as I stood. She was lighter than I expected as I carried her in front of me like a princess. An ironic smile split her lips, "So- so this is what it takes for you to hold me."

"Shut up and focus on staying alive," I looked down at her with a soft encouraging smile. "If you die I'm going to be pissed." She nodded.

I moved quickly through the Temple grounds hiding behind the walls and columns, trying to make my way forward as fast as I could. Occasionally I saw them. The masked demons looking for survivors. Like mad beasts they ran, some screaming, "Kill the human lovers," "Down with the Goddess," "For our Lord!" The few priests of the Temple left hid in the corners, while others tried to escape. How long had this gone for I didn't know but the attack must have been swift.

"Rain," Taylor coughed.

"Don't speak," I whispered back.

"I'm... it's okay," she smiled painfully.

"You'll make it!" I grit my teeth in desperation as we made our way past the final door. The open courtyard welcomed us and as it did so, it showed despair. The carriage was gone as was Pina. The others must have taken it to wherever they went. "No."

I collapsed to my knees, Taylor still in my arms. There had to be some way to help her. If she died now... I couldn't go back so easily.

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