Chapter 2: My Mistake. (Part 4)

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"Ronalt can I talk to you?" I approached him after lunch while he was been drinking alone.

"Make it quick," he barely looked up at me.

"I was wondering if you had heard the rumours about the border forest. The ones about an incredibly powerful Monster." The rumours did exist. It was said to be one of the reasons that the demons didn't enter it.

"Yes I've heard of them," he scoffed. "But it doesn't concern you."

"But if the Monster really does exist, we'll just get killed going through," my expression hardened more than I should have let it.

He growled, "Rain Axel what are you?"

I hid my frown and answered, "The Hero party's attendant."

"Exactly. Our intelligence has stated it to be a viable path. That's all you need to know. Follow the route and do as you're told." His eyes focused against mine, "Do you understand?"

"Yes sir," I answered evenly.

"Good, now I'm sure you have other duties to complete," he shooed me away

I left his table with my fists gripped tightly. I hadn't expected much but I still had some hope that he'd listen to me. He was the one in charge, even if the other's complained he'd have his way. I doubt the Hero could even persuade his stubbornness. My only choice left was to speak with Ardent. Out of all the Hero's companions not only was he the oldest but he was the Magicians Guild representative and a researcher at that. Though he came off as wise once he got bogged into something that interested him his enthusiasm spiked like a child's.

The only person in the inn's lounge was Taylor. Despite my better judgement I decided to ask her instead of searching for Ardent blindly.

"Why hello Rain not often you come to me for a chat," she greeted me with a dazzling smile as I approached.

"Not here for you. I was wondering if you knew where Ardent was," I folded my arms.

"Ardent? I didn't know you swung that way. It's okay I swing both myself," she winked.

My eye twitched, "I just need to talk with him."

"He should be in his room. Let me guide you," she stood up from her seat and purposefully walked in front of me.

Eventually she led me to the first floor and an unassuming door. I knocked and a male voice echoed back to come in. I opened the door. It was a nice spacious room with only one bed and a small sink. Even though I was sure I heard a voice, the room was empty aside from a small bag on the bed.

I sighed, "Taylor this is your room isn't it?"

"Oh how quick of you to notice," she nudged my back.

"I recognised the bag. I do look after most your things," I turned to face her. Instead I found her lips beside my ear.

"By the way tonight my room will be unlocked. You're more than welcome to come in."

I gently pushed her away, "Why do you keep trying this?"

"Because it's fun," she smiled innocently.

"So which room is really Ardent's?" I moved past her.

With a dramatic flair she sighed, shrugged, and pointed across the corridor. My eyes met hers. The question was whether this was another one of her jokes. It looked like she was telling the truth. I knocked on the door and after a short pause, Ardent's voice answered,

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